Wants to work together

Kogler on Nehammer: “We are not in kindergarten”

19.06.2024 14:04

Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) is confident that open projects will be implemented despite the dispute with the ÖVP. "We are not in kindergarten," he emphasizes. Kogler has also not yet given up on future government participation - with Leonore Gewessler in the team.

In the APA interview, Kogler rejected the notion that the Greens had risked the government for an election campaign maneuver by voting yes to the renaturation law at EU level shortly before their party conference: "We weighed things up to the best of our knowledge and belief," he emphasized. "It was a vital decision for nature, and indeed for the whole of Europe. Austria and we tipped the scales." There was no temporal connection between the Federal Congress and the vote.

Kogler counters the Chancellor
The ÖVP reacted extremely angrily to Green Environment Minister Gewessler's unilateral action and the coalition was on the brink of collapse. Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) spoke of a "more than serious breach of trust", the Greens had shown their "true colors". However, he did not dare to declare the government's work finished. "Our true face is that we are passionate about climate, environmental and nature protection and are committed to it," countered Kogler. He referred to other green achievements such as the climate ticket or the plastic deposit.

Kogler is "very relaxed" about the People's Party's announced complaint against Gewessler for abuse of office. After all, "all steps have been legally secured", affirmed the Green Party leader.

The Vice-Chancellor in conversation (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
The Vice-Chancellor in conversation

Still wants to implement many plans
This Wednesday, the ÖVP and the Greens did not want to meet face to face at the weekly Council of Ministers, but Kogler assumes that there will be joint appearances again. After all, there are still some plans in the National Council. He is "convinced and confident" that ÖVP parliamentary group leader August Wöginger and Green parliamentary group leader Sigrid Maurer will get projects such as wages instead of pocket money for disabled people, billions for municipalities or better jobs for students over the line.

Despite the rift, Kogler believes that other planned laws will be put on track, such as a quicker ban on fully slatted floors in pig farming. It is also unclear how the last third of the partial abolition of cold progression will be distributed. In addition, the Electricity Industry Act is still pending. According to Kogler, there is also still a lot to do when it comes to phasing out Russian gas - a key concern of Energy Minister Gewessler, of all people.

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We are constantly dealing with irritation in the ÖVP.


Vizekanzler Kogler über den Koalitionspartner

Asked whether he seriously believed that the ÖVP and the Greens would still implement projects specifically in Gewessler's areas, Kogler replied: "It's about joint responsibility, it's not about the ÖVP as such or about any functionaries who may be irritated". After all, there were "constant irritations within the ÖVP". However, Chancellor Nehammer was acting very responsibly. "Please, we are not in kindergarten or at some youth camp where people turn to the side in offense. Our government program is called 'Responsibility for Austria', and that is exactly what we will continue to live by."

Incidentally, there have already been "much bigger crises" in the turquoise-green coalition, Kogler recalled the turbulence surrounding former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP). Both the Chancellor and the Greens were then, as now, "constantly exchanging views with the Federal President".

Agreement with EU Commissioner no longer valid
Renaturation has not been the only issue on which the Greens have recently snubbed their coalition partner. Kogler had recently declared that he no longer felt bound by the side letter that allowed the ÖVP to appoint the EU Commissioner. The Vice-Chancellor pointed out that the law requires an agreement in the Council of Ministers and a majority in the Main Committee. "We will also strive for an agreement and this will happen." However, it had been clear to him for some time that the side letter was invalid because "prerequisites have ceased to exist". The Vice-Chancellor did not want to say what these were.

"Something will continue," emphasized Kogler in the interview. (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
"Something will continue," emphasized Kogler in the interview.

Kogler is "relaxed" about the hot election fall
After the events of the past few days, it seems even less likely that the Greens will continue to participate in government. However, Kogler is "relaxed". In the fall, the Greens will stand for climate and nature protection, but also for "economic reasonableness" and social security - "this mixture is only possible with the Greens". After the election, we will have to see "what democratic majorities make possible", said Kogler.

The ÖVP has been so annoyed since Sunday that Gewessler is already being compared to FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl. Upper Austria's governor Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP), for example, declared that the Greens were only conceivable for him as a possible coalition partner after the national elections without Gewessler. Kogler is unimpressed by this: "We won't get involved in anything like that." If they become so strong in the election that they play a role in the government negotiations, "then yes, with Leonore Gewessler".

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