Cooling off awaits here

Hot tips for hot summer days in the city

20.06.2024 11:00

When the city turns into a cauldron of heat, we long to cool off. Sandy beaches, pools and outdoor swimming pools: we show you the best escapes for people and four-legged friends.

Everyone can feel it: summer and its hot temperatures have arrived in Vienna. Fortunately, the city offers a large selection of bathing spots, many of them free of charge:

  • The Krapfenwaldlbad: with its location on the slopes of the Cobenzl, the 101-year-old outdoor pool is probably the most beautiful in all of Vienna. Sports, family and children's pools are available, as well as a volleyball court and a playground for the little ones. The entrance fee has been slightly increased this year, so if you bring your own food to the outdoor pool, you can save yourself the expensive canteen food.
The Alte Donau lido is a paradise in summer. (Bild: Jöchl Martin/Martin Jöchl)
The Alte Donau lido is a paradise in summer.
  • Alte Donau lido: The Alte Donau is a particularly popular place to cool off. Whether it's the Gänsehäufel or the Angelibad - there are many ways to cool off.
  • Lobau recreation area: If you prefer swimming in nature, this is the place for you. But be careful: swimming is only permitted in designated areas. These include the Panozzalacke - popular with families due to its shallow water - or the Dechantlacke for nudists.
Feel like you're on vacation in the Schönbrunn baths. (Bild: Jöchl Martin/Martin Jöchl)
Feel like you're on vacation in the Schönbrunn baths.
  • Schönbrunn Baths: There is also an outdoor pool in Schönbrunn Palace Park, which offers cooling off on hot days. Please note: because the pool is not a municipal one, you will have to dig deeper into your pockets for admission. An adult pays 19 euros.
  • Dog Zone: The four-legged friends with their thick fur are also suffering these days. In addition to dog bathing areas on the Old and New Danube, Animal Protection Austria is opening the "Dog Zone" together with the SCS for the sixth time. In July and August, dog owners can bring their four-legged friends to the Tierschutzhaus Vösendorf, where there is a shaded exercise area, a dog pool and a sprinkler system. You pay 6.90 euros for two hours.
Arena Beach is starting its first season this year. (Bild: Groh Klemens/klemens groh)
Arena Beach is starting its first season this year.
  • Arena-Beach: As part of the redesign of Kaisermühlenbucht, a 1100 square meter sandy beach with a shallow water zone has been created. Alongside CopaBeach and Pirat Bucht, there is now a third bathing beach on the New Danube. And that's not all, planning councillor Ulli Sima (SPÖ) will present another new bathing area in the city on Thursday.

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