There's "a girl"

Prince Albert’s son loves Hennesy heiress Savannah

19.06.2024 16:00

In an interview with Tatler magazine in the fall of 2023, Prince Albert's illegitimate son Alexandre Grimaldi gushed that there was "a girl" in his life. Now the young entrepreneur has made his love official: he is in a relationship with actress Savannah Hennessy.

She is the daughter of Kilian Hennessy and Melonie Foster Hennessy, whose name stands for nothing other than the famous cognac company.

The young couple, Savannah and Alexandre are both 20 years old, attended the men's fashion show of the luxury brand Gucci at Milan Fashion Week together on Monday. On the same day, Alexandre and Savannah also sat in the front row at the Zegna fashion show.

Alexandre Grimaldi and Savannah Hennessy (Bild: Camela / PA)
Alexandre Grimaldi and Savannah Hennessy

Things are going well
The stylish couple met in Monaco and moved to New York together. Alexandre told "Tatler" in the fall that things were going very well.

Back in May, Alexandre appeared alongside the delicate beauty at the Cannes Film Festival and posed for photographers with her and her father Kilian, who was presenting his new fragrance "Sunkissed Goddess".

Alexandre Grimaldi, Savannah and her father Kilian Hennessy (Bild:
Alexandre Grimaldi, Savannah and her father Kilian Hennessy

Paternity recognized
Alexandre comes from a love affair between his mother Nicole Coste and the Prince of Monaco.

Albert has recognized both Alexandre and his eldest daughter Jazmin Grace Grimaldi from another relationship as his children. Neither of them are in the line of succession to the throne under Monegasque law.

Prince Albert has been married to former swimmer Charlene Wittstock since 2011. In December 2014, their twins Gabriella and Jacques were born, who are Albert's legitimate heirs.

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