Even for Lewandowski

Pentz fearless: “There’s a first time for everything”

19.06.2024 19:34

Austria's national team will face one of the most prominent European footballers of recent times at the EURO on Friday. Opponents Poland will be led by Robert Lewandowski, a top-class goalscorer. ÖFB goalkeeper Patrick Pentz is aware of the challenge, but was nevertheless very relaxed on Wednesday. "We've been warned, but we don't have to be afraid of him," explained the Salzburg player.

Pentz has already been prepared for Lewandowski and his attacking colleagues by goalkeeping coach Michael Gspurning with video sequences. One lesson learned: "It's not just Lewandwoski that matters. We prepare for the whole Poland squad and all their strikers."

Nevertheless, the goal-getter, who has recovered from muscle ligament damage, is Poland's outstanding personality. "We know that Lewandowski has been one of the best strikers in Europe over the last 15 years. He has brutal quality in the box and can score a goal with just about any part of his body," said Pentz. However, he is not too worried about that. "Because we haven't scored many goals recently." Four in five international matches this year. Pentz has kept one clean sheet in his seven ÖFB appearances so far - in March in the test in Slovakia (2:0).

Preventing goals against is a collective challenge, said Pentz. "We have to defend well as a whole team, concede as little as possible and play our game." That was at least partially successful in the 1-0 draw against France, which gives the keeper confidence for the clash with Poland. "You could see that we can also hurt the French. We've shed our respect for the tournament and will go into the game 100 percent focused," promised Pentz.

The series must travel
For the Denmark international and his team-mates, Friday is also about ending a negative run - Austria have been waiting 30 years for a win against Poland. "There's a first time for everything. We will do everything we can to break this streak," announced Pentz. The Poles also started with a defeat, losing 2-1 to the Netherlands, but coach Michal Probierz's team proved to be a worthy opponent for long stretches. "We're not underestimating them at all," explained Pentz. The 27-year-old expects the match to be a battle. "It will certainly be more physical than against France."

Against "Les Bleus", Pentz impressed as Austria's number one, although he did not even appear in the team squad a few months ago. The match practice at Brøndby and the injury to Alexander Schlager finally made him the regular goalkeeper. "It's important for me to enjoy every second of this tournament. It's cool to be part of such a big event and to compete with great players. I'm going to give it my all and give my best performance," said Pentz, who spends his time at the EURO camp in Berlin playing golf, among other things.

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