Target of protests

After paint attacks: New coat of paint for Tyrolean ÖVP

20.06.2024 11:00

After paint attacks on the ÖVP headquarters, now - after years - the painting company is coming. Video surveillance at the front door could become an issue. LH Mattle travels to Brussels to present Tyrol's positions on renaturation and transit in Brussels.

Several bags of paint have already been thrown at the ÖVP party headquarters in Innsbruck's Fallmerayerstrasse. The attacks occurred close to the time of the annual "kill borders" demonstrations by left-wing activists, most recently in February of this year. Since this year, there has also been a sign against femicide on the façade, which has suffered visually over the years.

Fear of constant new attacks
But now things are moving forward. The poster that was put up in response to the paint attacks ("Is this really your understanding of democracy? Graffitied walls are no solution") will be taken down on Thursday, as VP-GF Sebastian Kolland confirmed when asked by the "Krone". The reason is the start of painting work: The façade is to be given a new shine in time for the national elections.

Paint on the façade of the ÖVP headquarters. (Bild: Tiroler Volkspartei)
Paint on the façade of the ÖVP headquarters.

But why has the renovation taken so long, despite the detrimental contrast to the two renovated neighboring facades? The reason lies on the one hand in the fear of constant new paint attacks, and on the other hand in the consideration of installing video surveillance to prevent acts of vandalism as far as possible in future. However, a final solution has apparently not yet been found.

LH Anton Mattle is traveling to Brussels and Hamburg. There he will visit a form of the truck slot system that is being considered for Tyrol. (Bild: Johanna Birbaumer)
LH Anton Mattle is traveling to Brussels and Hamburg. There he will visit a form of the truck slot system that is being considered for Tyrol.

LH comes as a "solution seeker"
GovernorAnton Mattle set off on a three-day trip to Brussels on Wednesday. "The trigger is the plenary session of the Committee of the Regions, but the main reason is the Tyrolean transit problem. I am not in Brussels as a defender, but as a solution seeker. We have five concrete demands for the Commission to improve the situation along the Brenner corridor," explains LH Mattle.

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With a functioning concept in our pocket, we can increase the pressure on Berlin and Rome to finally achieve an improvement.

LH Anton Mattle

Port of Hamburg: mega truck traffic
From Brussels, he travels straight on to Hamburg, where he takes a look at the slot system at the port. Here, comparatively the same number of trucks are handled per day as drive over the Brenner Pass: "There are technical solutions to equalize traffic, avoid congestion and relieve the burden on people, nature and infrastructure. With a functioning concept in our pocket, we can increase the pressure on Berlin and Rome to finally achieve an improvement."

LH castigates green EU law
LH Mattle will also take the opportunity to castigate the EU Green Law on renaturation on the ground in Brussels: "Well-intentioned, but badly targeted" is the draft. There are major concerns from the Austrian provinces about the content. "We see the food supply, the development opportunities of our communities, flood protection and property rights at risk," emphasized Mattle.

Five-point plan for performance
Together with Labor Commissioner Astrid Mair, he presented a five-point plan for performance, provision and property on Wednesday. "The state must not penalize what small and medium-sized businesses achieve," emphasized Mattle and Mair. ChancellorKarl Nehammer should be equipped with the necessary strength in the fall "so that those willing to perform have a future!" Support for the "rediscovery of the idea of performance" naturally comes from the Tyrolean Federation of Industry, headed by President Max Kloger.

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