Shortly before the environmental summit

False (smoke) alarm about Arnie!

19.06.2024 17:44

Even before his environmental congress, the "Austrian World Summit" on June 20 in the Hofburg, resourceful fans caught a glimpse of the "Terminator" in the capital. Before that, he was spotted (selfie with partner Heather Milligan included), closely guarded, in front of a Vienna city center hotel. The "Krone" has the pictures!

Normally, we usually see pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the capital with the cult Styrian cycling through Vienna's city center on an e-bike before heading off to his environmental congress, the World Summit, which starts tomorrow at the Hofburg. On Wednesday, the scenario was different - but at least it was still electric mobility.

Last smoke signals sent
The "Terminator" emerged from his preliminary meetings at a hotel in the city center, which is once again the "home base" of the soon-to-be 77-year-old (his birthday is on July 13). There were grim-faced bodyguards all around him. But the man who once played "Hercules" and "Conan" certainly didn't need them, as fit as he still looks today.

Schwarzenegger with his partner Heather Milligan in front of the Hofburg on Wednesday (Bild: Starpix)
Schwarzenegger with his partner Heather Milligan in front of the Hofburg on Wednesday
Ex-top model Barbara Meier (she will host the Summit tomorrow) with the warhorses of The Boss Hoss music troupe. (Bild: Starpix)
Ex-top model Barbara Meier (she will host the Summit tomorrow) with the warhorses of The Boss Hoss music troupe.
Hype about Arnie in Vienna. No matter where the Terminator appears, there's always a crowd. (Bild: Starpix)
Hype about Arnie in Vienna. No matter where the Terminator appears, there's always a crowd.
Arnie normally cycles through Vienna on his e-bike. This time it was probably too hot. (Bild: Starpix)
Arnie normally cycles through Vienna on his e-bike. This time it was probably too hot.
Brown hair, a gray beard and a fine cigarette: the superstar doesn't seem to have changed. (Bild: Starpix)
Brown hair, a gray beard and a fine cigarette: the superstar doesn't seem to have changed.

Although, watch out, we think we saw smoke rising from the electric car! Of course, it wasn't because of Arnie's means of transportation, but simply because of his cigar (one of his trademarks).

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