Cyclades Islands

The islands of the heart

20.06.2024 08:00

"Someday I'll stay there" - because when the Greek gods created the Cyclades islands, they poured out their horn of plenty particularly generously over Milos, Sifnos and Paros.

We like to say "like a Greek god" when we see a particularly attractive person. In our case, such a person is called Thanos, has eyes that rival the blue of the sea and steers our sleek motorboat confidently over the waves. Into bays that can only be reached by sea, past bizarre cliffs with completely different formations every few hundred meters. Every single one is completely mesmerizing. Not a person for miles around, not a house. Just the sky, the sea in constantly changing shades of green and blue, this backdrop, kissed by the sun.

And then it appears in front of us, the absolute highlight, Kleftiko, this breathtaking combination of rocks, caves and surf. If you're very lucky, you might even spot dolphins. We jump from the boat into the crystal-clear water, the silence interrupted only by the call of the seagulls. Mystical, magical, majestic. The sight makes us humble before nature. Grateful.

Thanos rejoices in our enthusiasm, is himself repeatedly and still enraptured by what his homeland has to offer. And what the sea allows us to see, because here we live with the tides, we are guided by the power of the sea. Like in the enchanting little village of Klima, whose colorful fishermen's cottages turn the backdrop into a postcard idyll. When the wind blows the waves in, they can even reach your living room. People live with it here. Not even tourists who have rented a cottage get upset. Greek serenity is infectious.

Fishermen's cottages, which are rented out to vacationers in summer, are extremely popular in Klima, Milos. (Bild: Christa Blümel)
Fishermen's cottages, which are rented out to vacationers in summer, are extremely popular in Klima, Milos.

Milos is the name of this delightful island, which is particularly famous for the dramatic Sarakiniko cliff formation in photogenic white. And for its beaches, of which there are said to be well over 80. Picturesque, as if from a glossy advertisement. Highly interesting ones - like those that adventurous people can only get to by abseiling. Pleasant ones with tavernas nestled against them, where you can enjoy a delicious meal with your feet in the sand and a glass in your hand.

Milos, the former mining island, welcomes guests with open arms, but never tries to pander to them. You won't see bed castles here - just as you won't see emaciated donkeys that have to drag fat tourists up the mountain. Instead, there are authentic hostels, design jewels among the boutique hotels and cozy apartments. In Milos, everyone can find the peace and quiet they are looking for, even in the height of summer. But active people will never get bored either. And there is just the right amount of evening atmosphere, beautiful stores in inviting alleyways, bars, great tavernas. No touristy ones, especially for vacationers, the locals also eat here.

And they do so in a way that we are immediately impressed by: Nobody orders just for themselves on the Cyclades islands, but there are many dishes to share. So you can taste your way from saganaki, the cheesy treat, to tzatziki, calamari in a culinary variety, Greek salad with feta, dakos (tomato bread variation) and fresh fish. The menu is colorful! It is said that you can't eat badly on the Greek Cyclades islands, but in most cases the food is spectacular.


Expert Andrea Springer from the tour operator of the same name recommends Paros, Sifnos and Milos, even in the high season, thanks to the climate and the destinations away from mass tourism.

  • Paros: Direct from Graz and Klagenfurt with AvantiAir until September 28, return flight via Athens (refueling stop). From Vienna via Santorini with Austrian. From Vienna via Athens with Austrian/Sky express or with Aegean/Olympic.
  • Milos: Flight from Klagenfurt or Graz directly to Paros, with boat transfer to Milos. Milos from Vienna via Santorini, then by ferry.
  • Sifnos: Flight from Graz, Klagenfurt to Paros; from Vienna to Santorini and by ferry to Sifnos.
    All information, also on combining the islands: or at the travel agency or one of the 22 Springer travel agencies, 0463/3870-0.
  • General information: Greek National Tourist Board:

The Venus - Aphrodite - of Milo was found here, the 2000-year-old, famous armless sculpture. A farmer had once dug her up in the field; he was paid a few coins for her.

For many, Milos is the island of hearts. It's fascinating to get on a ferry and be just a stone's throw away from the next one, which is completely different. Sifnos is a touch quieter, each village has its own charm, announced from afar by the blue dome on one of the spotless white houses. Sifnos is great for hikers and famous for its up-and-coming restaurant scene. Incidentally, Tom Hanks and Barack Obama are also said to be enchanted by it, so it's quite possible that the two of them will be sailing to the trendy Omega 3 beach restaurant in a boat while you're sitting in front of it with a cocktail. With your feet in the sand, you know

Our farewell is only sweetened by our last island hopping stop: Paros, another highlight. In the stylish districts of Naoussa and Parikia, you'll find sophisticated life, chic stores and trendy bars. But also tranquillity. The nature. The boundless freedom that comes from the landscape and the nonchalance of the Greeks.

Claudia Schiffer is said to have already been to Antiparos this year, just a few minutes away by ferry, as has Tom Hanks. Perhaps even such stars think to themselves: "I'll stay there one day". On the islands of the heart.

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