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Teacher showed sex film in sex education class

19.06.2024 22:30

After a teacher showed a sex film in a primary school lesson, the disciplinary proceedings against her were dropped. Parents accuse the Education Directorate of ignorant behavior.

An unimaginable incident occurred at an elementary school in northern Upper Austria: A teacher showed the children, who were only between nine and ten years old, a sex movie as part of sex education lessons. According to outraged parents, several children were completely distraught afterwards. The teacher is said to have fast-forwarded and rewound erotic scenes and asked the children to take a closer look. "My nine-year-old came home, threw her school bag in the corner and hid in her room all day," said one angry mother.

Shocked: Primary school children had to watch a sex movie. (Bild: dolgachov)
Shocked: Primary school children had to watch a sex movie.

Meanwhile, a father reports that shortly after the video was shown, his daughter had problems with a classmate who told her to undress quickly because there was nothing to it. The girl was also sleeping worse and "even dreaming that she was being raped".

Teacher brought flavored condom to class
The incident occurred shortly before Christmas and the teacher had already been conspicuous months before. For example, she brought the children a condom and said that there were "condoms in different flavors so that it tastes better when you want to put the penis in your mouth". Many children were disgusted by the slippery material and felt ashamed.

Authorities see no misconduct
With the help of a lawyer, those affected initiated disciplinary proceedings against the teacher, which have now been discontinued. The director of the elementary school did not want to comment on the incident. The Directorate of Education reassures that every case is taken very seriously. However, the school inspectorate was unable to establish any misconduct on the part of the teacher in question. The parents are now accusing the Education Directorate of ignorant behavior.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Silvia Jelincic
Silvia Jelincic
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