Drama surrounding renaturation

Gewessler in a good mood: “I am deeply touched!”

19.06.2024 16:36

Austria's yes to the EU renaturation law has triggered a fierce coalition row. Federal Chancellor Nehammer even announced an indictment against Greens Minister Leonore Gewessler for alleged abuse of office. While the ÖVP and parts of the farming community are up in arms, the politician is relieved.

Gewessler published a video on Wednesday afternoon to thank her supporters - including a broad smile. In the past few days, she had received "an incredible number of nice messages". "Letters even", the Climate Protection Minister noted.

Gewessler thanks for support
Although the relationship with her coalition partner has reached a new low, the Minister appears relaxed. She wanted to say "thank you": "I am really deeply touched by how many people care deeply about a good, beautiful, intact nature and a good future for all of us in this country and in Europe."

Watch the entire video statement:

Now the motto must be: "Roll up your sleeves, keep working for a good future." The mood in the ÖVP is completely different. The People's Party announced a complaint against Gewessler for abuse of office, Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) spoke of a "more than serious breach of trust", the Greens had shown their "true colors".

Kogler leaves ÖVP threat cold
The Greens said: "We are very relaxed about these announcements, also from a legal point of view", confirmed party leader Werner Kogler, as "all steps have been legally secured".

The EU renaturation law is a central part of the comprehensive "Green Deal" climate protection package, which aims to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. The overarching goal is the long-term and sustainable restoration of biologically diverse and resilient ecosystems. This includes reforested forests, rewetted moors and more natural river courses and, as a result, the preservation of biodiversity.

The ÖVP sees this as a threat to agriculture's room for manoeuvre and emphasizes that Austria is already doing enough in terms of renaturation.

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read the original article here.

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