"Krone" is right in the middle of it

Balkan hit creates a great atmosphere in Ottakring

19.06.2024 16:41

Local inspection of the "Krone" in Ottakring, a district where many Viennese of Croatian and Albanian descent live - and celebrate when the EURO is on.

This was also the case on Wednesday afternoon during the match between Croatia and Albania. In the cafés on Ottakringer Straße, projectors and TV sets are on, with fans wearing the Croatian jersey sitting in front of them. Albanian supporters are not only outnumbered, but also mostly in civilian clothes.

In Café Code, run by the two ex-players Daniel Dunst and Alen Oroz, the mood was buoyant. (Bild: krone.at)
In Café Code, run by the two ex-players Daniel Dunst and Alen Oroz, the mood was buoyant.

Hairdresser gave away tickets
Even when the underdogs take the lead, there is hardly any cheering to be heard, much more disappointed moaning from the Croatians. Nevertheless, the mood is good and peaceful. "We have nothing against each other - our countries get on well," says the "Krone". Hairdresser Shkodran from Albania even had tickets for the Balkan hit, but gave them to a Croatian friend. Nice!

The well-attended Café Code, run by ex-Bundesliga footballers Daniel Dunst and Alen Oroz, was also in a great mood - especially after the Croatian double. There were also celebrations at Café Bonsai and Café City. The stars here were Modric and Perisic - and when there wasn't a Balkan hit on the program, everyone was rooting for Austria.

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