Tolokonnikova in Linz!

Pussy Riots: The fight against oppressors continues

20.06.2024 16:00

The fight against Putin's regime will never end: Nadya Tolokonnikova (34), founder of the punk band Pussy Riot, is exhibiting at the OK in Linz. She herself is considered a criminal in Russia, but her art is uncompromising, oppressive, radical, magnificent.

In February 2012 - long before the war in Ukraine - images denouncing Vladimir Putin's Russia went around the world: activists from the Pussy Riot art collective staged the socio-critical action "Punk Prayer" in a Moscow church, including a general reckoning with Putin.

In the video "Putin's Ashes", women from three nations rebel against the potentate. (Bild: Einöder Horst)
In the video "Putin's Ashes", women from three nations rebel against the potentate.

As a result, members of the group ended up in a prison camp, sentenced for "hooliganism out of religious hatred". Nadya Tolokonnikova also spent two years in prison in Siberia.

View through bars
Her cot in a cell can now also be tested in the OK. The view through the bars is directed at a video wall that plays Pussy Riot protests on loop. This is just a small part of the impressive exhibition "Rage/Wut" (until October 20). Tolokonnikova's young artist is showing her videos, pictures and installations in the museum for the first time.

Memory of well-known Kremlin critic
In the video "Putin's Ashes", women from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus wear the typical Pussy Riot masks and burn Putin's image. Portraits of anonymous Pussy Riot members are surrounded by a halo full of protest messages, and Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny is also remembered.

Sex dolls put up resistance
"My work is also seen on social media in Russia," says Tolokonnikova in the "Krone" talk. "There is hope for change." In the eyes of the Russian government, she is a criminal and her whereabouts abroad are secret. There is another provocative installation in the chapel in front of the OK: Pussy Riot-style sex dolls as symbols of feminist resistance.

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