Legendary landmark

Climate activists spray Stonehenge with paint

19.06.2024 17:11

Climate protesters in the UK have sprayed the stone monument Stonehenge with an orange-colored substance. The group "Just Stop Oil" published a video on Wednesday.

The recording was published on the platform X (formerly Twitter) and shows two people running towards the stone circle and spraying paint. The police arrested two suspects.

Fossil fuel phase-out by 2030 demanded
The protest group wrote that they were demanding that the next British government sign a binding agreement to phase out fossil fuels by 2030. In the background of the video, people can be heard shouting for the protesters to stop. Some also try to stop them.

The scene to watch:

"We have arrested two people following an incident at Stonehenge this afternoon," Wiltshire Police said. They were suspected of damaging the monument. The investigation is ongoing.

Stonehenge is world-famous
The Stonehenge stone circle is one of Britain's most famous landmarks. The stones are precisely aligned with the position of the sun at the summer and winter solstices. It is believed that these events have been celebrated there for thousands of years. The summer solstice is to be celebrated there on Thursday.

The protest group wrote on X that the paint is made of cornstarch and will be washed off by the rain, while it remains urgent for the government to do something about the disastrous consequences of the climate and environmental crisis. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned the protest action as vandalism.

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