First training session

Starting signal at LASK: Are there still new signings to come?

19.06.2024 17:32

Without the injured former world champion Jerome Boateng, Bundesliga soccer team LASK began preparations for the new season on Wednesday morning. Coach Thomas Darazs asked 17 athletes who were already present for the first training session in summery conditions in Linz. In the course of this, the Viennese now acting as head coach looked ahead to the 2024/25 season: "We want to achieve the maximum, but will not set a ranking as a goal."

Prominent but controversial new signing Boateng was absent from the training session due to slight adductor problems. The German is completing a recovery program with his physios, Darazs explained. Apart from that, Boateng is currently on trial for assault and battery and a verdict could be reached in mid-July according to the court's schedule. Darazs was unaffected by this: "I'm not bothered by the whole thing, we have other things that we can influence."

Robert Zulj is also not bothered by the "hullabaloo" surrounding Boateng. "I'm incredibly happy for this world-class player, I'm delighted that he has chosen us. He will definitely help us," said the LASK captain. Also still absent were Ukrainian European Championship participant Maksym Talowjerow and Tobias Lawal. Linz's number one was only dropped from the ÖFB squad shortly before the final round. Melayro Bogarde, new signing from Hoffenheim on a free transfer, has already trained with the team.

Squad planning not yet complete
The Linz squad planning is not yet complete. Darazs expects further new additions: "We have our eyes open for new players, but I don't want to put names on the table." After the loss of Andreas Andrade, there is certainly a need for improvement in the position of central defender. "I'm not going to the club and demanding players, but we will look at the one or other story," Darazs made clear.

(Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)

LASK finished the past season in third place behind champions Sturm and Salzburg. Due to a slump in results, Thomas Sageder had to vacate the manager's chair after matchday 25, with Darazs taking over on an interim basis together with Maximilian Ritscher. After a respectable performance and securing third place, which had been in jeopardy for a while, Darazs was promoted to head coach at the end of the season and given a contract until 2026.

LASK will play their first competitive match in the ÖFB Cup at Union Gurten at the end of July, with the first test match coming against Oedt on Friday next week. Everyday Bundesliga action begins on the first weekend in August, with Linz playing for a place in the Europa League at the end of August. Should they not prevail in the play-off round, they will move on to the Conference League phase.

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