Hinteregger column

“We can only beat ourselves against Lewandowski”

20.06.2024 06:04

Martin Hinteregger has faced star striker Robert Lewandowski ten times in his career. Ahead of the clash against Poland, Austria's cult footballer takes a close look at the ÖFB opponent in his "Krone" column ...

When the recently injured Robert Lewandowksi lines up against Austria on Friday, one thing is clear: our defense will be up against a complete striker who has everything to offer and can look back on an impressive career, with titles in the Champions League, at the Club World Cup, in Germany and Spain. And several goalscoring crowns, including winning the Golden Boot twice.

Martin Hinteregger (right) scored ten times against Robert Lewandowski. (Bild: AFP/APA/DPA/Hasan Bratic)
Martin Hinteregger (right) scored ten times against Robert Lewandowski.

During my time in Germany, I was able to prepare myself perfectly for many strikers. Most of them have one or two strengths, ten videos are enough and you know everything. Not with Bayern's star Lewandowski, who I faced nine times with Augsburg and Frankfurt and once with Austria against Poland: with him, who has everything from instinct to his two-leggedness to his heading power, you never knew which video to watch.

He only has goals on his mind
The good thing is that in David Alaba we have someone in the team who knows Robert inside out from his time at Bayern. He's sure to have the right tips. If Kevin Danso delivers again like he did against France, he'll also have Lewandowski under control.

David Alaba (l.) and Robert Lewandowski (Bild: APA/AFP/POOL/ANDREAS GEBERT)
David Alaba (l.) and Robert Lewandowski

What always impressed me about the Polish record goalscorer was that he was able to ignore everything around him, that for 90 minutes it was all about goals, goals, goals. Even when I gave him a small cut with my elbow, he didn't get too upset, accepted my apology and went back to focusing on his game.

Only he knows how fit the goalscorer will be after his muscle injury on Friday. "Lewa" will not rest himself in this game, where everything is at stake, but will probably avoid running duels and focus on other strengths. It can be assumed that Austria will apply the same pressing as against France, which should be the perfect plan to keep Lewandowski largely out of our penalty area.

"We are the favorites"
Despite Lewandowski, one thing is clear: we are the favorites on Friday and can only beat ourselves! Because as a team, we are above the Poles in terms of quality. But the dangerous thing is: just as we can beat France in one game, Poland can also beat us in one game. We'll get more chances in the Olympic Stadium - and we have to make the most of them!

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