Top candidate Kogler

Greens want to return to government

20.06.2024 06:50

The Greens want to be part of the next government. "We are working to become strong enough to play a role in the next government negotiations," said Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler. The top candidate for the National Council elections would like to remain in politics for the entire legislative period (see video above).

He is a "passionate parliamentarian", said the Green Party leader. He is "happy to run at the head of a great team. I want that, I can do that." What result Kogler achieves is not so important. Nevertheless, he would rather be in government than in opposition, even if something could also be achieved from the opposition.

Werner Kogler (Bild: APA/Tobias Steinmaurer)
Werner Kogler

The party will choose its candidates for the National Council elections at the federal congress in Vienna on Saturday. The first five places are already known. Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler, who recently caused the Turkish-Green coalition to falter with her vote in favor of the EU renaturation law, is running for second place. Alma Zadić, Minister of Justice, who recently announced her pregnancy, is running for third place, followed by Sigrid Maurer, head of the parliamentary group, and Olga Voglauer, Secretary General.

Focus on nature and soil protection
According to Kogler, the main issues in the election campaign will be nature and soil protection. This is "vital" and the population is behind it. Other issues for the Greens include the defense of an independent judiciary, the fight for "endangered" democracy, a pro-European stance, equality and the fight against old-age and child poverty.

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Others have driven the cart into the mud and we are getting it out again.

Vizekanzler Werner Kogler

"Others drove the cart into the mud and we're getting it out again," the party leader is convinced with regard to dependence on Russian gas. "Others got us into this mess. I will mention this again in the election campaign. This is an economic crime."

In the last National Council election in 2019, the party achieved 13.9 percent, but is far below that in current polls.

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