After a loud bang

Vintage car on fire: owner (75) in hospital

20.06.2024 10:00

Spectacular scenes are likely to have taken place on the Mieminger Plateau (Imst district) on Wednesday afternoon. A 75-year-old local man wanted to park his classic car. The vehicle caught fire and emitted a loud bang. The man's wife and two passers-by rushed to help and set the rescue chain in motion.

At around 6.20 pm, the 75-year-old wanted to park his vintage car, which was no longer registered for traffic, in the area of the Mieminger plateau. He wanted to drive over the Tennenbrücke bridge into a barn. At the parking lot, the man noticed smoke in the area of the hood.

A short time later, flames were coming out of this area. The local man was able to push the car back onto the forecourt and tried to extinguish the burning vehicle with a fire extinguisher.

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They rushed to the scene of the incident and helped the 75-year-old with the extinguishing work.

Die Polizei

Passers-by helped extinguish the fire
A loud bang and screams from her husband also alerted the woman to the fire. She immediately set the rescue chain in motion. Two men who had been in the vicinity of the scene at the time also rushed to help after noticing the column of smoke and the siren. "They rushed to the scene and assisted the 75-year-old in extinguishing the fire," said the police.

The fire department was finally able to extinguish the car, which was fully engulfed in flames. The 75-year-old was taken to hospital in Zams with suspected smoke inhalation. Further investigations into the cause of the fire are underway.

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