Cats and dogs

Hallein animal shelter provides animals for older people

20.06.2024 13:00

To escape loneliness, many people get themselves a four-legged friend as they get older. But what happens if the beloved pet dies or you don't want to get a puppy? The Hallein animal shelter can help.

Petra Braun's laughter is infectious. That wasn't always the case recently. The 63-year-old woman from Pongau has had a new lease of life since her dog Timo joined her in May. After the death of her 18-year-old male dog Billy in February, the pensioner was completely alone. With Timo, an eight-year-old mongrel from Hungary, Braun now has an important everyday companion at her side again. And with him, her zest for life has returned.

With the "Seniors for Seniors" initiative, the Hallein animal shelter wants to make it possible for pet lovers in old age to get a dog or cat again. "Many older people are reluctant to get another dog or cat," says Ursula Lochmann. Together with her daughter and animal shelter manager Marlies, she is responsible for the initiative.

Animal shelter manager Marlies Lochmann with one of the senior cats. (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Animal shelter manager Marlies Lochmann with one of the senior cats.

Placement in the right place
Dogs and cats often end up at the shelter when their owners die. The aim is always to place them in a similar environment. "We try to find a suitable place for animals that are not always the youngest themselves."

Every year, around 70 dogs and cats find a new home with "Seniors for Seniors". Almost every need of the elderly men and women is met. If they also pass a few checks, then nothing stands in the way of their new, old happiness.

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