unusual place

Young violinist performed at the observatory

20.06.2024 18:00

The young musician Benjamin Herzl dreamed of his own cultural festival in Salzburg and had a very specific venue in mind. Without further ado, he made sure that the stars were aligned for his project himself.

"I simply took my violin to the people in charge of the observatory and played for them. So we got their approval as a venue relatively quickly," laughs violinist Benjamin Herzl. Together with Marlene Lübke-Ahrens, he is organizing the interdisciplinary cultural festival "Concerti Corti" at this unusual location for the second time this year.

From Friday, the screen for film screenings will be rolled out in the VEGA observatory. (Bild: Concerti Corti / Benjamin Herzl)
From Friday, the screen for film screenings will be rolled out in the VEGA observatory.

From Friday, talks, film clips and chamber music by Mendelssohn can be experienced at the VEGA observatory Haus der Natur. Salzburg director Adrian Goiginger will also be there. The filmmaker, who has just been awarded the Austrian Film Prize, is looking forward to the event: "There are parallels between my films and those of festival namesake Axel Corti: We like to deal with true stories, for example," says Goiginger.

Director Adrian Goiginger will talk about his film "The Fox" on June 23 at the observatory (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Director Adrian Goiginger will talk about his film "The Fox" on June 23 at the observatory

And as it is well known that a successful film cannot work without the right music, this also plays a major role at the interdisciplinary festival. In addition to initiator Benjamin Herzl, the internationally renowned Mandelring Quartet will also be on stage.

Chamber music by Mendelssohn will also be performed (Bild: Concerti Corti / Benjamin Herzl)
Chamber music by Mendelssohn will also be performed

Guests can decide for themselves how much they want to pay for their visit to the festival. There are no fixed ticket prices. "Art should be accessible to everyone," says initiator Herzl. And not just them: Festival visitors are of course also allowed to take a look at the stars.

Tickets can be purchased on the festival website.

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read the original article here.

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