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Before a new chapter, rower Reim claimed his first podium

20.06.2024 14:15

After missing out on qualifying for the Olympics in the lightweight double sculls, Lukas Reim competed in the single sculls in Poland and won his first World Cup medal. As far as his future is concerned, there are still many questions to be answered.

One day it was supposed to be "rock'n'roll". That was the motto of rower Lukas Reim (Möve Salzburg) before the World Cup in the lightweight single sculls in Poznan (Poland). This was the end of this discipline for the Salzburg rower, as it will no longer be an Olympic discipline in the future and funding will no longer be available. Although the 26-year-old did not gild the final day, he sensationally took third place on Saturday to win his first World Cup medal.

"Of course I'm very happy. It was an exciting and not entirely easy season," said a jubilant Reim, talking about missing out on the Olympic qualification in the double sculls with partner Julian Schöberl (Upper Austria). In the end, they were eleven seconds short of the required second place in Lucerne (Sz).

National coach Robert Sens praised his debut podium: "It was another great race from Lukas, a nice way for him to end the season in the lightweight division, he did a great job."

What happens next remains to be seen. In principle, Reim would like to switch to heavyweight, where he was active until 2021 and for which he would have to put on five to six kilos of muscle mass again. "Of course, this change would take some time," says the athlete.

Discussion with the association
However, his decision also depends on the rowing association and what it offers the member of the Möve rowing club - a discussion on this will probably take place after the Olympic Games. "It's completely open for me. I'll have to see what I decide then," says the rowing ace. "It's not just me who decides the sporting plan for the next few years, the army and the federation also play a role," emphasizes the 26-year-old, who is also hoping for a positive decision from his employer in the summer. Reim used the podium to promote his own cause before the new chapter.

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read the original article here.

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