Arnie in Vienna

Schwarzenegger met Kennedy and the doppelganger

20.06.2024 09:41

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been whirling through the capital for two days as part of the "Austrian World Summit". Here he is discussing important issues to save our climate with high-ranking political representatives. On Tuesday, he, who was once married to the Kennedy niece himself, met a Kennedy. And he also made the acquaintance of his doppelganger.

On Thursday, Arnold Schwarzenegger once again invited guests to the Vienna Hofburg for the "Austrian World Summit", affectionately known as the Eco-Congress. Before that, the "Terminator" was already quite active. The soon-to-be 77-year-old (his birthday is on July 30) started his tours from his Vienna city center hotel.

The thing with the doppelganger
In the course of these, he was already at the Hofburg the day before the eco-top meeting to inspect everything. And look, he also met his doppelganger. The Arnold made of wax. The figure from the Madame Tussauds collection was set up especially for selfies, which were to take place on Thursday. Arnie, the real one, thought it was pretty cool.

Heather Milligan led the way as the entourage left the hotel with Schwarzenegger and Kennedy. (Bild: Tuma Alexander/Starpix)
Heather Milligan led the way as the entourage left the hotel with Schwarzenegger and Kennedy.
"Family get-together": Victoria Reggie Kennedy with Schwarzenegger. She was married to John F. Kennedy's younger brother Ted. Arnie with John F. Kennedy's niece Maria Shriver. (Bild: Tuma Alexander/Starpix)
"Family get-together": Victoria Reggie Kennedy with Schwarzenegger. She was married to John F. Kennedy's younger brother Ted. Arnie with John F. Kennedy's niece Maria Shriver.

The "family get-together"
Oh yes, at this point it should be mentioned that instead of an e-bike, he was traveling by e-car this year (it was due to the heat) when he visited the Hofburg for rehearsals. Always at his side was his partner Heather Milligan. She accompanied him back to the hotel, where Arnie first had a coffee before meeting a Kennedy. Quite familial for the Styrian oak, as he was married to Maria Shriver, the niece of former US President John F. Kennedy (†), for a long time ...

... so the top meeting (again in the hotel) was with US ambassador Victoria Reggie Kennedy, she was married to Ted Kennedy (†2009), the younger brother of the politician who was assassinated in 1963, not very formal, very familiar.

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