Countries in comparison

What Austrians should do better than Germans

20.06.2024 09:45

While the government in Austria is accused of "refusing to work" (SPÖ leader Andreas Babler), words of praise are coming from our neighboring country. According to a "Bild" report, it is doing better in three areas compared to the "Ampel" government.

These include pensions, energy prices and access to the labor market for Ukrainian refugees. "Austrians work up to five years less than we do - and still get more out of it," it says. After 40 years, the minimum pension for single people is almost 1,600 euros - a figure which, according to Labor Minister Martin Kocher (ÖVP), roughly corresponds to the average German pension after 45 years of contributions. He gave an interview to the German newspaper.

Economics and Labor Minister Martin Kocher (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
Economics and Labor Minister Martin Kocher

In Germany, men retire on average at the age of 62.1 and receive EUR 1856.08 per year. Female pensioners receive an average of 1310.74 euros. In our neighboring country, the average pension income is 1332 euros for men and 118 euros for women. The pension is paid out twelve times a year. However, compared to Germans, Austrians also have more money deducted from their wages for their pension.

Electricity and fuel cheaper
According to Bild, Austria's government also does better when it comes to electricity and fuel prices. With an annual consumption of 2,000 kilowatt hours of electricity, German households would have to pay 280.60 euros more in comparison. In addition, the proportion of renewable energies in this country is high.

The third example cited in the report is access to the labor market for refugees from Ukraine. The Red-White-Red Card Plus is intended to get more people into work. It is available to those who have worked for at least one year in the past two years. Around one in three refugees (30 percent) from Ukraine are currently working. In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently spoke of a similar guarantee.

"The times when little Austria looked with admiration at the economic giant Germany are long gone," wrote the "Bild" newspaper on Wednesday evening.

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