The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little messenger does a moon ritual

21.06.2024 19:00

How we use the energy of the full moon and the summer solstice. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These include sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

Many people feel the energies of the moon, including me. The moon is full again on June 22, which also coincides with the summer solstice in June. This weekend is particularly suitable for moon rituals.

The longest days of the year are ideal for a little reflection. What happened in the first six months of this year? What went according to plan? What was completely unforeseen?

At the same time, summer is the most pleasant time for us right now: lots of light, lots of nature and everything is growing and thriving everywhere. If the heat is getting to you, you can take a leaf out of our southern neighbors' book and take a kind of "siesta" during the hot weeks to bring more mindfulness and awareness into your everyday life.

Rituals for the full moon and summer solstice
As soon as the last days of school are over, the children finally get some rest. Until then, it's all about persevering and being grateful - I like to remind myself of this early in the morning. When the sun is just rising, the air is still fresh and everything is quiet, ideal for meditating for a few minutes, doing yoga or at least breathing consciously. This helps you start the new day in a calm and collected way.

There are also suitable rituals to do together. We place crystals and stones out on the terrace in the evening so that they are illuminated and charged by the moonlight during the night. Underneath, we place notes with wishes to the universe.

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