Sleep problems etc.

More than every second person suffers from heat

20.06.2024 11:18

More than every second person surveyed in Austria feels affected by temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. Women and people under 30 are particularly affected, as an Allianz survey of 1,000 people has now shown.

The most common complaints include reduced performance (43 percent), heavy sweating (41 percent), sleep problems (33 percent) and reduced work performance (31 percent). Circulatory problems, weakness and exhaustion, headaches and severe tiredness were also repeatedly mentioned. In addition, respondents reported psychological effects such as depression, with young people between the ages of 20 and 29 being the most likely. This age group is also the one that complains most about high temperatures.

"Climate change is bringing us more and more frequently into contact with heatwaves and other extreme weather events. High temperatures place an extraordinary strain on the human body (...)", says Dragan Dokic, who is responsible for health at Allianz Austria. Babies, small children, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses are particularly at risk.

Some people rely on air conditioning or a fan in summer (symbolic image). (Bild: Tanja Esser -
Some people rely on air conditioning or a fan in summer (symbolic image).

How Austrians protect themselves
According to the survey, Austrians make sure they drink enough (79 percent), darken the windows (57 percent) and stay in the shade or in cool indoor spaces (55 percent) to protect themselves from the heat. The majority ventilate at cooler times and wear airier clothing. Many also refrain from eating heavy or greasy food and shift physically strenuous activities to cooler morning or evening hours.

Other things mentioned include jumping into cool water, using a fan or air conditioning, wearing a hat outdoors, taking lukewarm showers, avoiding alcohol and drinking lukewarm drinks. One in ten people even reduce their working hours or take vacation to escape the heat.

What the weather will be like until the weekend
According to GeoSphere Austria, it will be cloudy today (Thursday) until the afternoon, when the sun will start to shine through more frequently. Temperatures will be between 25 and 31 degrees in the afternoon. The wind will be light away from thunderstorms - in the western mountains and along the northern side of the Alps.

Here you can see a post from the Austrian Severe Weather Center.

According to the Austrian Severe Weather Center, the risk of thunderstorms will increase on Friday in particular. In Vorarlberg, it may already rain in the morning, followed by heavy thunderstorms in the second half of the day, according to the meteorologists. In the west it will cool down to 20 to 27 degrees, in the east temperatures of up to 36 degrees are still expected. Further thunderstorms with heavy rain, hail and severe squalls are expected on Saturday night.

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read the original article here.
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