Argument escalated

Outdoor pool rioter broke the nose of a bathing guest

20.06.2024 11:39

A bather went completely crazy on Tuesday at the Laakirchen outdoor pool in Upper Austria. A harmless argument developed into a brawl in which the rioter broke a man's nose and made wild threats. When the lifeguard tried to calm the situation down, he also attacked him.

The beautiful weather is currently ensuring full outdoor pools - but a day of swimming in Laakirchen ended with a police operation on Tuesday. What happened? At around 6.30 pm, a verbal argument is said to have developed between a local resident (34) and a 13-year-old local boy.

Boys threatened
"I'll beat your father and your grandfather to death", the older boy is said to have threatened the boy. When the 13-year-old's uncle (29) intervened and tried to calm the situation down, the 34-year-old finally lost it. He gave the 29-year-old a powerful headbutt, breaking his nose.

Lifeguard also attacked
When the lifeguard tried to separate the brawlers, the rioter also attacked him. He is said to have grabbed his hand so hard that he broke a bone. The 34-year-old was also aggressive towards the police officers who were called to help. He insulted the officers, gesticulated wildly with his hands and was eventually arrested.

Suspect is not a blank slate
The public prosecutor's office in Wels arranged for him to be taken to Wels prison. "The suspect has several previous convictions, including for theft, brawling and assault," says public prosecutor Christoph Weber. He is currently being investigated for grievous bodily harm, dangerous threats and coercion.

Bathing operations "shaky"
The injured lifeguard is expected to be on sick leave for three weeks, "but we hope that he will be able to start again sooner", says Mayor Fritz Feichtinger (SPÖ). Pensioners and the water rescue service are currently helping out so that the pool can continue to operate.

Not the first attack
It was only in mid-May that a 14-year-old beat up the lifeguard at the Perg outdoor pool until he was ready for hospitalization. A criminal complaint is pending against the boy for assault and coercion.

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read the original article here.

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