Austrian World Summit

Eighth “Austrian World Summit” launched in Vienna

20.06.2024 11:47

On Thursday, the 8th Austrian World Summit "Be Useful: Tools for a Healthy Planet" kicked off on Thursday. The international event was kicked off by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, "host" Arnold Schwarzenegger, EU Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič and organizer Monika Langthaler.

Alexander Van der Bellen was the first speaker to address the audience. Organizer Monika Langthaler had previously announced that hundreds of audience requests had had to be turned down due to lack of space - the venue was sold out.

The Head of State addressed the audience as they entered with the words "Welcome to the modest premises of the Hofburg. Welcome to Vienna!"

"Climate crisis hits us harder and more often"
Van der Bellen then spoke about the flash floods and storms that Austria has already experienced this summer. These were not just about material damage, "these are fates that concern us all. People who have lost their possessions. The effects of the climate crisis are hitting more and more people, harder and harder, more and more often," said the 80-year-old urgently.

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We are sawing at the branch we are sitting on. It will be a deep and painful fall when the time comes, if nothing changes. Change is the key word.

Alexander Van der Bellen

"Change is in our nature"
"We are sawing at the branch we are sitting on," he continues. "It will be a deep and painful fall when the time comes, if nothing changes. Change is the key word." This naturally scares many people. But change is possible, it is in our nature, otherwise people would never have developed into the self-reflective beings they are today.

Gain through change
"We have to protect ourselves from the consequences of the climate - protect people from the climate." Much can be gained by doing so. For example, "clean mountain air. A world in which people make good use of resources, summers without constant heatwaves, floods and water shortages, without droughts. We are winning a good future. It will be different and better, but we have to make an active decision," says Van der Bellen.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (3rd from left), partner Heather Milligan (2nd from left), Alexander Van der Bellen (3rd from right), John Podesta (2nd from right) and Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for the European Green Deal, Maros Sefcovic (left) (Bild: AFP)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (3rd from left), partner Heather Milligan (2nd from left), Alexander Van der Bellen (3rd from right), John Podesta (2nd from right) and Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for the European Green Deal, Maros Sefcovic (left)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (Bild: AFP)
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Presenter Matt Iseman, SCI Director Monika Langthaler and presenter Nadja Bernhard (Bild: APA/TOBIAS STEINMAURER)
Presenter Matt Iseman, SCI Director Monika Langthaler and presenter Nadja Bernhard
John Podesta, Biden's Senior Advisor on Climate Protection (Bild: AFP)
John Podesta, Biden's Senior Advisor on Climate Protection
Alexander Van der Bellen (Bild: APA/TOBIAS STEINMAURER)
Alexander Van der Bellen

Politicians must "drive major changes and create a fair environment" so that it is easier for everyone to take climate protection measures. "In other words, to ensure that no one is sawing at our branch."

"The nearest habitable planet is light years away. I've looked it up. If they don't have a warp drive, as it's apparently called, in the garage, it's no good. We only have this one home. We have to be 'useful' to save it. Even if it means having to change one thing or another. It will be different - and it will be better!"

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The nearest habitable planet is light years away. I looked it up. If they don't have a warp drive in the garage, it's no use. We only have this one home.

Alexander Van der Bellen

Ex-governor in a traditional Styrian jacket
Host Arnold Schwarzenegger then took to the stage to thank his guests and the organizers of the event. Wearing a traditional Styrian jacket, the ex-governor repeatedly emphasized how important it was to not just talk, but to take action. Pollution is increasing, people are still dying from pollution, seven million a year. It is time to change something. Summits like this one would be of fundamental importance.

Several times, Arnold Schwarzenegger emphatically called out to the audience: "Do it!" (Bild: AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT 2024)
Several times, Arnold Schwarzenegger emphatically called out to the audience: "Do it!"

Schwarzenegger kept coming back to his "fitness crusade", because in sport you can only be a world leader if you "give it your all", if you have a vision. The same goes for climate protection.

"Need a world that chooses the future instead of the past"
"Talk alone will not help us", he says in English, "but action will". We are facing a hard truth that everyone needs to hear. He is also prepared to kick people in the ass for this ("kick ass").

"We all share a vision"
"I can see a world with clean, blue skies. A world - no matter where you live - where you can drink water anywhere, without fear, like I could here in Austria. A world that chooses the future instead of the past. A world that uses clean energy. A world that no longer fights wars over oil, where countries live in harmony and all people have access to water etc. That's my vision. That is my vision. I know we all share this vision," said Schwarzenegger.

We are facing an "existential crisis", said the 76-year-old. "So why don't we act like it?" A vision becomes "reality when the work begins. Whatever the cost in terms of effort, it may be unpleasant and arduous". Again, the comparison to weight training: here too, discomfort ("being uncomfortable") would be the first sure sign that progress is being made, that commitment and effort are paying off.

Thunderousapplause for Gewessler
One of the guests in the first round of talks was Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler, who was heavily criticized by Chancellor Karl Nehammer and admitted that she had had an "extraordinary week". She received thunderous applause from the audience even before her first words.

Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (l.) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Bild: Andy Wenzel)
Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (l.) and Arnold Schwarzenegger
(Bild: Andy Wenzel)

Meeting with Karl Nehammer "a sign of friendship"
Away from the hustle and bustle surrounding the Austrian World Summit, Schwarzenegger was busy in Vienna's city center. The former actor and fitness icon also dropped by the Federal Chancellery.

In addition to "bilateral relations between the USA and Austria", there was a "strong handshake as a sign of friendship" with Karl Nehammer. It was "impressive" what Schwarzenegger had achieved.

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read the original article here.

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