Our winners

These dogs sweeten everyone’s day at the office

21.06.2024 06:30

Today is "Take your dog to work day". Together with Purina, we have come up with a great competition for all those furry friends in the office who help us get through the working day in a more relaxed and productive way. Here are the winners of ten office sets from Purina, consisting of a dog cushion, water bowl and snack. Congratulations!

Pets bring many advantages for employees: not only the owner who is allowed to bring their pet is happier - colleagues also benefit from the presence of a furry friend: a study (ISPOS Trend Survey) has shown that work is more concentrated and balanced, and the risk of burnout and depression is also reduced.

"Feivel" always has an eye on everything with her owner at her desk (Bild: Silvia H. )
"Feivel" always has an eye on everything with her owner at her desk

Newspaper dogs
At the "Kronen Zeitung", it has never been unusual for almost everyone to have treats in their desk drawer or dog toys lying around in some offices. Even the porter in the foyer greets every animal companion with a little treat.

Loving animals is not just an important issue for us on paper; our corporate culture has always made room for four-legged friends at the Pressehaus. The positive effect this has on everyday working life is now becoming increasingly well known and is also being promoted at other companies.

It's cuddle time for them in the office! (Bild: Daniela S.)
It's cuddle time for them in the office!

At "Pets at Work", four-legged friends are part of the team
Purina's " Pets at Work" initiative has been campaigning for pets in the workplace since 2016 and also advises companies on how to create the right conditions for well-functioning human-animal teams. Because one thing is certain: Bello is one of the best colleagues in the world. Guaranteed!

Advantages of dogs in the workplace

  • 87 percent feel mentally better when their dog accompanies them to the office.
  • For 88 percent of those surveyed, cuddling together is a good thing against stress.
  • 78 percent say that the opportunity to bring their dog with them strengthens their bond with the company.

Source: PURINA survey 2024 on the topic of dogs in the workplace

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for all the entries.

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read the original article here.

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