Solo in Italy

Lopez enjoys the “Dolce Vita” without Affleck

21.06.2024 09:00

Jennifer Lopez is currently enjoying the "dolce vita" on the Amalfi Coast - but without Ben Affleck. Because the sexy Latina jetted off on vacation without her husband.

Just three years ago, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck celebrated their love comeback on a yacht off the Italian coast. While they sailed to Capri, among other places, fans were treated to romantic snogging pictures of "Bennifer" - almost 20 years after their first engagement.

Lopez escapes worries in "Bella Italia"
However, there doesn't seem to be much left of the "amore" from back then. Because instead of going on a love vacation with her Ben, La Lopez now jetted off solo to the very place where the two once celebrated great feelings.

In the Instagram picture series, you can see the kiss that once sealed J.Lo and Affleck's love comeback:

It almost seems as if the 54-year-old needs a little distance - not only from her husband, but above all from the rumors surrounding the marriage crisis that just won't die down. J.Lo's friends came along for emotional support: Because with a round of Aperol Spritz in front of the dream backdrop of Positano, the worries can certainly be forgotten for a short while.

In a good mood without Affleck
Meanwhile, paparazzi photos show that the singer and actress is wearing anything but sadness during her time out in "Bella Italia". In a sexy outfit consisting of a bustier top and patterned shorts, she was apparently able to forget her worries, at least for a short time.

And Affleck? He seemed to be having a good time at home in Los Angeles, even without his wife. He used his wife-free time for a little e-motorcycle ride with his son Samuel.

Not enough for a kiss
It now seems almost impossible that Affleck and Lopez's marriage can still be saved. Around two years after saying "I do", the Hollywood couple's love nest in the posh Bel Air district of Los Angeles is said to be up for sale. The actor is said to have moved out weeks ago.

Photos of J.Lo and Affleck taken earlier this month also speak for themselves. At the basketball game of Ben's son Samuel, whom he has with his ex-wife Jennifer Garner, the welcome was anything but warm.

Not even two years after saying "I do", Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck only received a peck on the cheek. (Bild: Photo Press Service)
Not even two years after saying "I do", Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck only received a peck on the cheek.

Instead of a loving kiss on the lips, the former dream couple only had a rather strange kiss on the cheek.

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read the original article here.

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