"Kaulitz" Netflix series

“Had to hide my sexuality for a very long time”

21.06.2024 00:30

Sex confession in new reality series "Kaulitz & Kaulitz": Bill Kaulitz had to keep his sexuality a secret because of Tokio Hotel and suffered from it for many years. In the very intimate Netflix production, he also reveals his taste in men and talks about his skin cancer shock.

"We're the most famous twins in the world," Bill and Tom Kaulitz confidently say at the start of the new Netflix reality series about their lives. Cameras followed the Tokio Hotel brothers for a year and let viewers take part in all possible and impossible scenes - from the Oktoberfest to decluttering, from the driving test to the dermatologist's examination. During the latter, Bill gets nervous and talks about a cancer shock the previous year: "I had a precancerous growth on my back that had to be removed." The camera also focuses on the scar.

In addition to many colorful and glittering moments, where parties are held or suits are bought for a five-digit euro amount, "Kaulitz & Kaulitz" also shows many intimate moments. Tom talks about his teenage years and the fame at the beginning of their band Tokio Hotel: "The career as teenagers was overwhelming. Our lives were consumed by fear." Ultimately, this stress also led to the move to Los Angeles.

Bill's sexuality takes up a lot of space. We see him searching for new male acquaintances on dating apps and talking about ex-boyfriends: "I had to hide my sexuality for a long time," admits Kaulitz, who always has an outlandish style. Tom doesn't have fond memories of it either: "I saw Bill suffer." In the USA, he can now be whoever he wants. Nevertheless, he is still unsuccessfully looking for the love of his life: "I like to flirt, but I don't have anything steady." Unfortunately, he often falls for A***, another friend says: "He often goes for straight guys too, which of course doesn't work." It's a completely different story with Tom, of course - his wife, supermodel Heidi Klum, is only mentioned sparingly in the series, but says with a wink: "A twin rarely comes alone."

"Kaulitz & Kaulitz" has eight episodes, each lasting around 45 minutes, starts next Tuesday and is a rollercoaster ride of emotions - and fun to watch even for non-fans.

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