Your CO2 savings

The sun as a piggy bank: working for the environment

23.06.2024 08:00

Choosing a photovoltaic solution from "Krone Sonne" not only means less CO2, but also more money in your wallet. Since 2022, thousands of customers have not only reduced their energy costs with "Krone Sonne", but have also made a significant contribution to climate protection.

Let the sun work for you and benefit twice over: financially and ecologically. The future is sunny - with "Krone Sonne"! The leading provider of photovoltaic solutions in Austria impressively demonstrates how not only the environment, but also your wallet can benefit from this development.

"Krone Sonne": your partner for sustainable energy
Since it was founded in 2022, "Krone Sonne" has already won over 3,000 satisfied customers who have opted for a photovoltaic solution. This was not only a step towards a greener future, but also a smart financial investment. Over the lifetime of an average PV system of 25 years, the savings made by our customers add up to an impressive 80 million euros!

"Krone Sonne" customers know how it works: benefit from the savings and make a contribution to the environment at the same time. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/zVg)
"Krone Sonne" customers know how it works: benefit from the savings and make a contribution to the environment at the same time.

Reducing CO2 emissions together
But it's not just about money: every photovoltaic system actively contributes to reducing CO2 emissions. On average, a PV system from "Krone Sonne" saves around 3 tons of CO2 per year. Extrapolated to our 3000 customers and the lifetime of the systems, this means a total saving of an impressive 225,000 tons of CO2.

Why "Krone Sonne"?

  • 3000 satisfied customers
  • 80 million euros saved
  • Reduction of 225,000 tons of CO2

This figure clearly shows the positive impact our customers have on the environment. By opting for a photovoltaic system from "Krone Sonne", they are making a decisive contribution to reducing global CO2 emissions and combating climate change.

Savings of 80 million euros through "solar power"
"Krone Sonne" not only stands for high-quality and efficient PV systems, but also for comprehensive customer service. From the initial consultation to installation and maintenance, we are at your side. An easy switch to renewable energies and a profitable design: that is our promise to you.

The figures speak for themselves: 3000 satisfied customers, 80 million euros saved and 225,000 tons of CO2 reduced. Would you also like to benefit from these advantages and make a contribution to the energy transition? Then contact us today for a no-obligation consultation. Together we can make the world a better place - and your wallet fuller. The sun will do the rest.

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read the original article here.

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