Leisure paradise

This is Vienna’s newest bathing area

20.06.2024 15:18

The new "Pier 22" leisure area with water access opened on the Danube Island on Thursday.

The first section of the new "Sunken City" was opened on Thursday morning, just in time for the first heat wave. As reported, no stone will be left unturned on the right bank of the Danube Island. The city is completely redesigning the 20,000 square meter area on the New Danube and wants to turn it into a versatile recreational space that can be used all year round. Since autumn 2023, the site has been rebuilt, greened and unsealed in three construction phases.

District head Ernst Nevrivy, City Councillor for Planning Ulli Sima, SPÖ Vienna Club Chairman Joe Tauch and local councillor Selma Arapovic (Neos) opened the first section of the redesigned "Sunken City". (Bild: Stadt Wien/Christian Fürthner)
District head Ernst Nevrivy, City Councillor for Planning Ulli Sima, SPÖ Vienna Club Chairman Joe Tauch and local councillor Selma Arapovic (Neos) opened the first section of the redesigned "Sunken City".

The riverside promenade, which was previously built up with bars and restaurants, has been transformed into spacious public open spaces. The redesign focuses on consumption-free zones, free water access and sports facilities. Three restaurants will provide culinary delights. The first third has now been completed.

Planning Councillor Ulli Sima and District Head Ernst Nevrivy (both SPÖ) were among the first guests. Sima was very pleased because access to the water has now been made easier at this point. With bathing platforms, ladders and seating steps.

Another central meeting point will be a café open all year round with a spacious dining area. The forecourt of the excursion café offers access to public toilets, a shady meeting point with drinking fountain and guidance system. (Bild: Gerhard Bartel)
Another central meeting point will be a café open all year round with a spacious dining area. The forecourt of the excursion café offers access to public toilets, a shady meeting point with drinking fountain and guidance system.

There are even showers along the promenade, which will be available to all bathers in future. From fall 2024, after the end of the season, work will continue on redesigning the rest of the area. Under the conditions of flood protection. The new leisure area will be put to the test at the start of the Danube Island Festival tomorrow.

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