City of Bregenz

Two projects with added value, one to make money

20.06.2024 16:55

In cooperation with the PRISMA Group, the city of Bregenz has launched three major projects that are to be implemented in the near future. Among other things, an innovation quarter is to be created and the Weiherviertel is to be significantly upgraded.

Things are happening in Bregenz. Now that there is finally clarity regarding the construction of the new railroad station, the city presented three further major projects on Thursday, which have been developed together with the PRISMA group of companies. Even before the ground-breaking ceremony, Mayor Michael Ritsch (SPÖ) is almost euphoric: "The cooperation with the PRISMA Group and other partners has enabled us to get these visionary projects on track. We are not only creating modern living space, but also strengthening Bregenz's infrastructure and promoting quality of life for everyone. I am particularly proud of the active involvement and participation of the local population, whose ideas and commitment have made a significant contribution to the successful design."

The individual projects at a glance:

Innovation Quarter: PRISMA acquired the property of the former BP petrol station on Arlbergstrasse in 2020, followed by the purchase of the adjacent Siemens site in 2022. Three buildings with a height of four, seven and ten storeys are now to be built on the total area of 5500 square meters according to plans by architects Baumschlager, Hutter & Partner. Of the total floor space of around 9300 square meters, 4500 square meters will be reserved for office and commercial space, in particular for innovative technology companies. Siemens Vorarlberg will remain the core user at the site. A further 3800 square meters will be used to create 55 apartments, the design of which will be tailored to the district. A further 1000 square meters are earmarked for catering facilities and the necessary building infrastructure. The planning process is due to be completed next year, after which the project will be implemented in two stages. Completion is scheduled for 2030, with the total net investment amounting to around 65 million euros.

(Bild: Prisma)

Weiherviertel: How will people live and work in the Weiherviertel in the future? This question was answered in 2021 through a cooperative planning process involving the city, PRISMA and Vorarlberger Landesversicherung (VLV) as well as other landowners and the local population. The plan is to strengthen the Weiherviertel as a multifunctional residential, living, working and recreational area with high-quality office addresses, gastronomic offerings and a corresponding infrastructure with large open spaces. The approximately 5,000 square meter plots in the area of the Hotel Helvetia on Montfortstrasse and along Schlossergasse will be redesigned. Several buildings with a height of five to a maximum of eight storeys are planned for these areas. One of the aims is to bring all users closer together and interact with each other, and the district will also be linked to the adjacent areas, including upgrading Weiherstrasse to an attractive promenade and leading directly to the Bregenz Landhaus. A detailed development plan is currently being drawn up.

(Bild: Prisma)

"Fritz am See": PRISMA has designed three properties with a total of 21 apartments for the address Fritzstrasse 4 in Bregenz. The total usable living space is around 1400 square meters. The units also include 21 underground parking spaces and a shared, central courtyard as a green open space. The concept was preceded by an urban planning competition initiated by the city of Bregenz.

(Bild: Prisma)

The comfortable apartments in an absolutely prime location definitely do not fall into the category of "affordable housing". PRISMA is aggressively advertising their use as vacation apartments, so it is to be feared that in the end only three more "ghost blocks" will be created, as is already the case in large numbers on the shores of Lake Constance. In any case, no added public value can be derived from this project. Completion of the ensemble is planned for 2026.

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