A lonely summit high above the Liesingtal valley

21.06.2024 11:00

This hiking tip from Elisabeth Zienitzer and Silvia Sarcletti takes you by train to Kalwang and over the Feistererhorn, with a view into the heart of the Seckauer Tauern, to the Hochreichart Hut.

Those who enjoy long, solitary hikes will be delighted with this tour in the Seckauer Tauern: well-marked paths, technically easy to moderately difficult terrain, ascents and descents rich in water and woodland and a scenically attractive summit area with small ponds, softly shaped ridges and the Feistererhorn with its stunning views.

Picturesque place for a short break (Bild: Weges)
Picturesque place for a short break

We have a view of the Seckauer Tauern mountain range and the Liesingtal valley with the Eisenerz Alps towering behind. Conclusion: a perfect circular tour for enduring hikers.

We start at the train station in Kalwang (755 m) and walk through Pisching to the start of the hiking trail. Following the forest road, we see the markings after the first right-hand bend at the edge of the forest. Via a path we come to a wide forest road, which we follow for around 2.3 km into the valley.


  • Hiking data: approx. 22 km / 1360 vertical meters / walking time approx. 7 h.
  • Requirements: technically easy paths, occasionally a little steeper. Difficult to orientate on the mountain ridges and in the summit area in poor visibility.
  • Signposting system: well-marked and signposted hiking trail (No. 973, 974, 975).
  • Starting point: Kalwang train station.
  • Alternative end point: Liesingau Ort (bus 830).
  • Refreshment stops: Schutzhaus Hochreichart (open from Friday evening to Sunday), hochreichart-schutzhaus.at; Halterhütte on the Stubalm.
  • Questions and suggestions: WEGES - Silvia and Elisabeth, 0650/2611119, weg-es.at, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube: wegesaktiv.

Once you reach the stream, turn right uphill through the forest. After a large clearing, we hike through blackberry-rich forests to the extensive mountain pine areas. At an altitude of 1800 meters we reach the open mountain ridges and the Feistererhorn (2081m).

The hiking pros from the "Kronen Zeitung" newspaper (Bild: Weges)
The hiking pros from the "Kronen Zeitung" newspaper

With a view of the Hochreichart, we hike across the heather-covered slope (watch out for the red-white-red marker poles) to the Stubentörl (at 1863 m). From the Törl, the trail leads down to the left into the Ochsenboden and through the forest directly to the Hochreichart shelter (1438 m) and the Halterhütte on the Stubalm.

You've made it! The summit cross has been reached (Bild: Weges)
You've made it! The summit cross has been reached

From now on we follow the wide forest road approx. 7.6 km out of the valley. At the end of the ditch, we keep left and walk parallel to the highway on a forest road to Pisching and back to the train station in Kalwang.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Elisabeth Zienitzer
Elisabeth Zienitzer
Silvia Sarcletti
Silvia Sarcletti
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