Cheers are followed by bankruptcy

Why the zoo director is not allowed to have a pump-action shotgun after all

20.06.2024 20:00

In March, zoo director Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck publicly rejoiced over the "legally binding permit" for certain weapons - specifically a pump-action shotgun and a magnum revolver. But quietly and secretly, the story turned. The Administrative Court threw a spanner in the works for "Dirty Hering" - with a surprising explanation.

Imagine the following scene: The director of Schönbrunn Zoo is chasing after a runaway animal in "his" zoo. Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck carries a pump-action shotgun in his hands, aims at the runaway, maybe even shoots. Parents with their children all around.

The zoo boss outlined an emergency like this in his statement in May 2022, after he had applied for a gun license from the authorities. It was the beginning of a farce that has now reached new heights.

"Significant danger to bystanders"
But one thing at a time: In September 2022, the Vienna police rejected the application from 2021 for a firearms pass for the zoo director: "In the case of particularly dangerous animal species, the situation would be exacerbated rather than resolved with local hunting and defense weapons," it said in the rejection. In addition, gun violence could lead to a 'considerable danger to bystanders'.

Chronology of the gun posse

2021: Zoo director applies for a gun permit
2022: Authority rejects application
2023: Vienna Administrative Court approves gun permit
2024: Administrative Court overturns the decision

Hering-Hagenbeck refused to accept the decision and appealed to the Vienna Administrative Court. After an oral hearing, the judge gave the green light for the pump gun and Magnum at the beginning of 2023. And for the duration of their employment at the zoo.

Pumpgun "safe and suitable" as protection at the zoo?
Incidents involving dangerous zoo animals would make extremely rapid intervention with firearms absolutely necessary, according to the ruling. A pump-action shotgun is "appropriate, safe and suitable" for this purpose. Schönbrunn Zoo rejoiced and proudly announced via the press agency at the beginning of March 2024: "This ensures maximum protection for our guests, our employees and our animals."

Since then, the public has been led to believe that the weapons have been legally approved. Which now turns out to be wrong! As the "Krone" learned, the Vienna Provincial Police Directorate lodged an appeal with the Administrative Court. And the court overturned the decision of the lower court several weeks ago!

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As the Administrative Court overturned the decision, he is no longer allowed to have the weapons.

VGW-Vizepräsidentin Beatrix Hornschall

Both the permit for the pump gun and the permit for the handgun are no longer valid. For different reasons. With regard to the prohibited pump-action shotgun, the Administrative Court even found that this weapon was not even part of the initial application, meaning that the Vienna Administrative Court did not even have jurisdiction - annulment due to lack of jurisdiction.

According to the Administrative Court, the awarding of the Magnum was also unlawful because it was difficult to understand why Hering-Hagenbeck needed this weapon. "Mere suspicions and fears of a possible threat are not sufficient to carry a firearm that requires a permit," the Administrative Court stated and scolded the lower court. The decision is overturned and returned to the Administrative Court.

Little chance of success in a new hearing
The case must now be heard again there, but only with regard to the handgun. The chances of success for the zoo boss are admittedly slim following the Supreme Court's decision.

According to VGW Vice President Beatrix Hornschall, the retrial will take place in the fall. Until then, the zoo boss is out of arms. "As the Administrative Court has overturned the ruling, he is no longer allowed to have the weapons", Hornschall informs us. A statement from Schönbrunn Zoo is still pending.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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