Seven injured

Explosion near Naschmarkt – several injured

20.06.2024 17:40

Large-scale fire department operation in Vienna-Mariahilf: a serious explosion occurred on Thursday in the building where the former cult restaurant Gräfin vom Naschmarkt, which has been closed since the coronavirus pandemic, is located. A fire broke out in the building and seven people were injured. One construction worker was taken to hospital with severe burns.

The fire broke out at around 5.30 p.m. and emergency services from the Vienna Fire Brigade fought their way to the affected apartment in the smoke-filled building on Linke Wienzeile. The occupant of the apartment facing the courtyard had to be evacuated using a turntable ladder.

"Detonation felt all over the body"
"It was a loud bang. You could feel the detonation all over your body and in your chest. Everyone else in the courtyard immediately looked out of the window, but didn't see anything," a neighbor who lives two houses away told the "Krone".

Gas explosion during renovation work
It has since been revealed that the explosion occurred near a gas stove after work had been carried out. Renovation work is currently taking place in the house. Seven people were injured, one construction worker had to be taken to hospital with severe burns. A man and a woman were also admitted with smoke inhalation, the other people were treated on site.

Closed since Corona: the Gräfin vom Naschmarkt. An explosion occurred in the building on Thursday afternoon. (Bild: Zwefo)
Closed since Corona: the Gräfin vom Naschmarkt. An explosion occurred in the building on Thursday afternoon.

Extent of damage still unclear
The Vienna police had called for traffic routes to be kept clear and the area around the building to be avoided. Barriers were set up and Wiener Netze employees were also on site. The fire was extinguished around 6 p.m., but the actual extent of the damage is still unclear.

Naschmarkt visitors made emergency calls
The operation had started quite confusingly for the emergency services. "We received countless reports", fire department spokesman Martin Hofbauer told APA. It wasn't just affected residents who called for help. Passers-by and visitors to the Naschmarkt on the opposite side of the street also made emergency calls and reported the fire.

The apartment building in question, at Linke Wienzeile 12-14, was built by Ludwig Zatzka in 1888. It is actually two separate twin houses with their own entrances.

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read the original article here.

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