Wind or hydropower

“Lungau will make a further contribution”

21.06.2024 12:00

Krone interview with Manfred Sampl, ÖVP mayor of St. Michael and future president of the Salzburg Association of Municipalities. A conversation about the bonus of the periphery, injustices and the energy transition.

Mayor Sampl, you will take over the Salzburg Association of Municipalities in November. What is the motivation behind this?

I am pleased that it is a non-partisan function. That's how I want to set it up. There are of course various issues to consider: While in the central region, for example, there are issues surrounding immigration, there are other problems in the periphery.

How do you manage your time in addition to the mayoral office in St. Michael?

I was active in the Salzburg state parliament for 16.5 years. Leaving there has freed up a window of time. It gives me a good view of the whole country.

How does a political life shape your private life?

It is formative because time is simply limited. Politics can be very fulfilling and enjoyable. But of course you are also exposed to criticism. There can also be other perspectives, you have to be aware of that. It's important to realize that you have to approach each other. In St. Michael, we have a very cooperative relationship across the parties.

The topic of the energy transition: Does Lungau continue to reject wind turbines?

We are already making a significant contribution. There are also two new energy communities that are keeping the energy cycle in the region. However, we are aware that we need to make an additional contribution. We should concentrate on one location and always consider the necessary infrastructure, from access roads to the pipeline network. But there is still no project, neither for wind power, nor is the Mur power plant back.

So why was there a general rejection of wind power by all Lungau municipalities?

In 2019, we were told that wind power is almost only possible in Lungau. We didn't want to be the main supplier for the central region.

There are some small communities in Lungau. Shouldn't mergers also be considered in times of austerity?

No mergers, but cooperation in various areas from care to transport. We have also joined forces across the municipalities when it comes to renovating roads and have set priorities.

How is the region currently developing?

We have no longer been at the bottom of Salzburg's income league table for some years now. Migration is decreasing slightly. Corona has led to more acceptance of working from home. That helps the people of Lungau: it makes a difference whether you have to commute three or five times a week. What's more, building plots are still affordable here. Another aspect is that we pursue tourism with moderation and purpose.

How is the municipality of St. Michael doing financially?

The finances are in order. With an annual municipal tax revenue of almost two million euros, we are at least liquid. However, the current situation is very challenging and clearly restricts our further development.

Speaking of the Lungau Biosphere Reserve: What is the future of the planned visitor center in the old granary?

We now also have the tourism associations on board. The financing has been in place for a month now. The state will buy the building and renovate it, the region will take over the operation. Mauterndorf is the ideal place for this.

About the injustices: Lungau is fighting against expensive refueling.

We lodged a complaint with the Federal Competition Authority 15 months ago. The margin has since narrowed. The authority had intensive contact with the oil companies, which had to provide data, which was also unpleasant. We are expecting the final report in the next few weeks.

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read the original article here.

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