"An eternal expert"

New row between Matthäus and Kahn

20.06.2024 18:34

There's another row between Lothar Matthäus and Oliver Kahn - and it's a big one! Once again, the cause is FC Bayern and the transfer policy under the former Bayern boss.

It's been just over a year since Matthäus and Kahn had their say live on TV. But it seems that this skirmish is far from over. Quite the opposite!

Lothar Matthäus criticizes Bayern boss Oliver Kahn (left) and sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic (right) - here at the presentation of coach Thomas Tuchel. (Bild: AFP or licensors)
Lothar Matthäus criticizes Bayern boss Oliver Kahn (left) and sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic (right) - here at the presentation of coach Thomas Tuchel.

In the current issue of "Sportbild", Germany's record international player called on Bayern to bring in Florian Wirtz in order to unite a new magic duo in Munich with the Leverkusen youngster and Jamal Musiala. However, the new sporting director Max Eberl would be faced with at least one dilemma, according to Matthäus. Because: "Under his predecessor Hasan Salihamidzic and CEO Oliver Kahn, a lot of money was - let's put it this way - not well invested. Instead, it was invested in high transfer fees for players and coaches and in their severance payments."

300 million euros spent
Matthäus' reasoning: "Since Hernández in 2019, Bayern have spent around 300 million euros on six central defenders alone, including Ito from VfB. And Hernández, with his €20 million salary, was also the reason why salaries have exploded. Some players at Bayern were and are overpaid."

Kahn's counterattack
Of course, Kahn did not want to take this lying down. The former Munich CEO wrote via X: "The 'eternal expert' Lothar Matthäus obviously doesn't have access to the relevant facts to make a competent and well-founded analysis. All key financial decisions were always made by the entire Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board. In the coronavirus era, FC Bayern Munich was one of the very few top CL clubs to post a profit. FC Bayern's player salaries were very significantly lower than those of our main CL competitors and always have a performance-related component."

Whatever! The two Bayern legends won't be friends any time soon ...

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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