A natural jewel in the shadow of the Großer Bösenstein

28.06.2024 11:00

The Gefrorene See, to which the "Krone" hiking experts Elisabeth Zienitzer and Silvia Sarcletti set off this time, lies lonely and hidden in the Rottenmanner Tauern: a beautiful mountain tour to a glacial mountain landscape.

The Rottenmanner Tauern are predominantly high alpine in character and are described as a scenic jewel with striking rocky ridges, deeply excavated cirques and enchanting lakes. The highest peak is the Große Bösenstein at 2448 meters, which can be seen from a rather unknown angle on this hiking tip.

The hiking trails are well marked (Bild: Weges)
The hiking trails are well marked

With the Ochsenkar we get to know a landscape shaped by the glacier - almost textbook - surrounded by the rugged and mighty walls of the Großer Bösenstein and the gentle forms of the Großer Rübe.

The Ochsenkarbach is also a beautiful example of a natural mountain stream that meanders smoothly across the alpine pastures. The destination of the hike is the frozen lake, which is aptly named.

In mid-June, winter conditions still prevailed at the lake, but now summer has arrived here too (Bild: Weges)
In mid-June, winter conditions still prevailed at the lake, but now summer has arrived here too

The lake is covered by a closed layer of ice well into the summer, as the high peaks cast their shadows over the cirque and the lake for a relatively long time. Conclusion: it doesn't always have to be the high peaks!

The hiking pros from the "Kronen Zeitung" newspaper (Bild: Weges)
The hiking pros from the "Kronen Zeitung" newspaper

We start at the parking lot and hike via the Scheibelalm to the Edelrautehütte (1706 m). Near the hut we see the signpost to Gefrorener See. We walk downhill for a short distance, continuing over a wooden footbridge to the crossroads Hauseck and Rottenmanner Hütte.


  • Hiking data: 8.9 km / 600 m elevation gain / walking time 4 h.
  • Requirements: some large steps on the crossing to Ochenskar, the rest of the trail is technically easy.
  • Signposting system: well-marked hiking trail; few signposts (944a).
  • Starting point: large parking lot at Scheibelalm/Hohentauern; accessible via a toll road (8 euros per car).
  • Tip: Mountain guide Gundula Tackner offers geological and botanical hikes to the frozen lake; info: alpinschuleamtauern.at.
  • Refreshment stops: Edelrautehütte (Alpine Club), edelrautehütte.at; Halterhütte on the Scheibelalm.
  • Questions and suggestions: WEGES - Silvia and Elisabeth, 0650/2611119, weg-es.at, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube: wegesaktiv.

We keep to the right and reach a long traverse that leads downhill - through a spruce-larch-pine forest - into the Ochsenkar with the hut of the same name. Once on the extensive alpine pastures, we cross the Ochsenkarbach stream and walk uphill along the southern slope of the Große Rübe and Seekarspitze to the Gefrorener See lake (2076 m).

The way back follows the ascent route.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Elisabeth Zienitzer
Elisabeth Zienitzer
Silvia Sarcletti
Silvia Sarcletti
00:00 / 00:00
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