First balance sheet

One year black-blue: there is still a lot to do

21.06.2024 06:00

The ÖVP and FPÖ take stock of their first year together in Neos star Sepp Schellhorn's M32. The heads of government look to the future: in terms of energy, housing, transport, childcare and care, there are numerous political construction sites for the coalition in the next four years. Haslauer and Svazek affirm: The chemistry in the joint state government is excellent

Wilfried Haslauer, Governor, ÖVP

Already implemented:
As the master of finances, Governor Wilfried Haslauer has launched a record budget of 4.3 billion euros for 2024. Significant investments will be made in health, social affairs and housing.

On the cooperation with the FPÖ, he says: "We have emerged from this aggressive tone and past dispute. I am pleased about that." However, he also always emphasized the good style with the Greens and Neos. Haslauer always likes parties that let the ÖVP rule the roost in government.

That is still to be done:
He still has a lot planned for the future: Science and research are to be expanded. The state administration is to get a service center and become fit for artificial intelligence.

Haslauer and Svazek are satisfied. (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
Haslauer and Svazek are satisfied.

Marlene Svazek, Deputy Provincial Governor, FPÖ

Already implemented:
Marlene Svazek, the FPÖ's number one, coordinates government business with Haslauer and was particularly pleased with the shooting of two wolves in her first year as a government politician. She summarizes her successes in her first year as follows: "After this one year, ten years of green blockade politics have come to an end."

There is still work to be done:
In terms of childcare, Svazek wants to have launched a training offensive. Of course, there is still a lot to do here. Apart from more wolf trophies, Svazek also has plans for nature conservation. The reorganization of the State Environmental Ombudsman's Office is "in the home straight". The new law, which was already under review last fall, should be ready soon.

Stefan Schnöll, Deputy Provincial Governor, ÖVP

Already implemented:
Schnöll cites the successful reconstruction of the Pinzgaubahn as the most important infrastructure measure. The S-Link has received a positive environmental impact assessment. The public consultation for the major project on November 10 will also be a milestone for Schnöll.

That still has to be done:
For Haslauer's crown prince, the future holds one question in particular: When will the handover of office take place? In the meantime, Walser is not getting bored, on the contrary. He probably has the most extensive portfolio of the entire government. In his first year, he was challenged by the traffic jam on the Tauern highway, which is practically impossible to solve.

Martin Zauner, Provincial Councillor, FPÖ

Already implemented:
"It's working," says Martin Zauner, referring to sport. He is responsible for sport. Zauner can show that a "sports strategy" is being drawn up by the state's experts, with the aim of getting more Salzburgers into the Olympics in the long term.

That still needs to be done:
Only small steps were taken in the first year with regard to housing subsidies and regional planning. However, the new housing subsidies are due to come into force at the turn of the year. This would be one of the state government's larger projects. Zauner wants to "fundamentally change" the subsidy system. Hire-purchase models are to be strengthened, and ownership subsidies are to be made more attractive. The Building Technology Act is also to be reformed.

Christian Pewny, Provincial Councillor, FPÖ

Already implemented:
The former mayor of Radstadt, Christian Pewny, was probably the most inconspicuous member of government in his first year. Yet he is responsible for a real future-oriented area with social affairs and care. On the plus side, apart from a few minor adjustments to the Care Act, there is still little to report.

That is still to be done:
The big deal, a new care law, is still to come this year. Pewny: "This is making great progress. I hope that the amendment will be passed by the state parliament in December."

Daniela Gutschi, Provincial Councillor, ÖVP

Already implemented:
Daniela Gutschi has her hands full with education and health. One success: "We have been able to cushion the shortage of specialists in schools. A lot of lateral entrants have switched to this area," says Gutschi.

There is still work to be done:
In the healthcare sector, the start of construction work on the third medical unit at the regional hospital is a milestone. There is still a lot of work to be done here together with Pewny. "The best building is useless if you don't have any staff," says Gutschi.

Josef Schwaiger, Provincial Councillor, ÖVP

Already implemented:
ÖVP veteran Josef Schwaiger missed the black-blue ceremony with lots of self-praise at the Mönchsberg due to illness. So Haslauer spoke about his "central area": the energy transition. A year ago, construction began on the Stegenwald power plant.

That is still to be done:
Planning is already underway at the power plant in Golling. Another major project that is still waiting to be implemented: Flood protection for the Oberpinzgau region.

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