Race Across America

Finished in eight days after just ten hours of sleep

20.06.2024 20:55

Even record-breaking champ Christoph Strasser takes his hat off! Because Lukas Kaufmann from Upper Austria finished his premiere at the Race Across America in second place with over 4000 kilometers and 50,000 meters of altitude. The 30-year-old crossed the finish line on Thursday after eight days.

The really, really big sensation did not materialize. But what Lukas Kaufmann has achieved in the last week is incredible and you simply have to take your hat off. Because promptly at his premiere at the Race Across America, the toughest and longest ultra bike race in the world from the west to the east coast of the USA, the man from Kronstorf crossed the finish line in Atlantic City after eight days and 23 hours in second place behind the Swede Jimmy Ronn.

"Damage to the backside"
Team doctor Jürgen Minar had already radioed through beforehand: "He is generally in excellent health, he has no problems with his hands or neck. Only his backside is affected, of course - but nothing that won't heal in a few weeks. His legs were very good, towards the end he had some muscle pain in his thighs. But he got away without any cramps or joint problems!" Considering the exertions that the 30-year-old has undergone in the last few days, Kaufmann and his body got off relatively lightly.

"Mental madness"
Especially as he had to tackle over 4000 kilometers and over 50,000 meters of altitude in sometimes brutal heat of over 40 degrees - and with just ten hours of sleep. Other crazy details: "He consumed around 81,000 kilocalories and drank 113.6 liters of liquid during this time," says Minar. Kaufmann achieved his previously defined goal, as he wanted to complete the race healthy and in under nine days. "Mentally, however, it was madness, the sleep deprivation with the hallucinations was extreme," says the newly crowned RAAM finisher.praise

Praise from record champ
Record winner Christoph Strasser: "Congratulations, as a rookie he rode an incredibly strong race. I didn't finish my first RAAM, so I rate his performance even higher!"

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read the original article here.

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