Jérôme Boateng

The turmoil is growing – but is it intentional?

21.06.2024 07:00

Will the abyss of violence be served up again on Friday at Munich District Court? Before the trial against Jérôme Boateng continues in courtroom 101, not only "DIE ZEIT" took the transfer and LASK to task - even black and white fans are doing the same! But is this exactly what the club wanted?

LASK has 63,000 followers on Instagram, while Jérôme Boateng has 9.6 million. The broadsheet speculates that the transfer could be a PR strategy to raise the club's profile. If this is true, congratulations to LASK! (Or maybe not!)

The fact is that the renowned German weekly newspaper "DIE ZEIT" devoted an entire page to Austria's third-placed team in the Bundesliga in its edition published yesterday, despite the current home EURO. Even if the reason for this is the trial in which Boateng has to answer for assault again today at the Munich regional court. And despite the presumption of innocence, the German newspaper makers also ask the question of all questions: Did LASK go too far with the signing in view of the allegations?

Corona scandal, betting partners, Boateng!
Especially since it is not unmentioned that the former world champion and two-time Champions League winner is also under investigation in a second case. Just like other things are printed that don't really cast a good light on LASK. Although the "comparably small club" is praised for its sporting and economic rise. Also for the new stadium. It is also stated that the club wants to win the title in the coming season. But the rest?

The coronavirus scandal is mentioned as a "massive foul on the soccer family". The deal with a Turkish betting provider in the context that the club had thrown its own principles overboard with sponsors. It is also mentioned that LASK CEO Siegmund Gruber called Boateng a "model athlete" despite his trial dripping with blood and violence.

Also new fan criticism!
"Major sponsors are not happy about the uproar", writes DIE ZEIT in the direction of Raiffeisen and Energie AG. About a transfer about which the German quality paper ran the headline: "A shady deal"! Which the "Landstrassler" also called "highly problematic" in a statement yesterday. The collective of the LASK fan scene accuses the club of not fulfilling its social responsibility in terms of symbolism.

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