Renewed nuclear threats

Putin: NATO is becoming a security threat in Asia

20.06.2024 21:37

The head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, is once again making threatening statements. According to him, NATO is a danger for Russia and Asian countries.

"We see what is happening in Asia: A system of blocs is being built," Putin described in Vietnam at the end of his two-day trip to Asia. NATO is moving into Asia as if it were "a permanent residence". Putin warned South Korea against supplying weapons to Ukraine.

"Of course, this poses a threat to all countries in the region, including the Russian Federation," Putin added to his assessment of Asia. We are obliged to respond to this and will do so." A statement from NATO was not initially available.

Vladimir Putin (Bild: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Vladimir Putin

The USA has urged NATO to build ties with countries such as Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, citing China's increasing military capabilities. Putin had visited North Korea before Vietnam. He signed a defense agreement there.

West should take warnings more seriously
Putin justified possible changes to Russia's nuclear doctrine with an allegedly lower inhibition threshold of Western states when using nuclear weapons. "Nuclear bombs with low explosive power are being developed in particular," said the Kremlin leader on Thursday. Western experts see nothing wrong with the use of such so-called mini-nukes, as Russia has recognized. "This is also linked to my statement that we are considering possible changes to our strategy."

Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine more than two years ago. In the course of this, Moscow repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons if the West intervened in the conflict.

What the current nuclear doctrine says
The current Russian nuclear doctrine states that Moscow may only use nuclear weapons in two cases: in the event of a nuclear attack on Russia or if an attack with conventional weapons threatens the country's existence. The vague definition has prompted some hardliners to urge the Kremlin to tighten the doctrine in order to force the West to take the warnings more seriously.

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