Police alerted

Wild ORF party robs neighbors of sleep

20.06.2024 21:50

Loud music and bawling party guests robbed the residents around the ORF center on Vienna's Küniglberg of their sleep on Thursday evening. The police have also been alerted.

On Thursday evening during the European Championship match between Spain and Italy, the public broadcaster had a lot of fun. Much to the chagrin of the neighbors around the ORF center on Küniglberg - some of whom contacted the "Krone".

"Roaring around until 2 a.m."
An outraged neighbor: "My grandchild can't sleep." Apparently, this was not the first time that the party at the state radio station had gone wild: "We hope that drunks won't be roaring around until 2 a.m. again - as has happened before," said the angry neighbor.

(Bild: APA/Herbert Neubauer)

Several complaints to the police
When asked by the police, they say that the event was permitted until 10 pm. However, several complaints had been received by the Lainzer Straße police station in Vienna-Hietzing - and the illustrious company on Küniglberg had been made aware of the impending consequences. If the celebrations were not significantly quieter from 10 p.m. onwards, the officers would have to take action and there was a threat of charges for disturbing the peace, it was said in the evening.

There was no comment from the ORF late at night. We can only hope that they will come to their senses when it comes to the neighbors' peace and quiet at night.

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read the original article here.

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