Renaturation dispute

Kogler warns: “Let’s leave the church in the village”

20.06.2024 23:07

The fact that the ÖVP - as announced - has actually filed a criminal complaint for abuse of office with the Vienna Public Prosecutor's Office after Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) went it alone on the EU renaturation law does not really seem to have upset Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens). He considers everything to be legally compliant - namely with regard to nature and people.

"We decided at the right time", Kogler explained on "ZIB 2". For him, the EU renaturation law is an essential question of survival. It is about the environment - and all steps are legally underpinned. "Let's leave the church in the village," demanded the Vice-Chancellor.

After all, people should expect you to stand up for what you are elected for. After all, it has long been enshrined in the Greens' government program that the party is committed to "fertile fields and flowering meadows". "And we stick to it," says Kogler.

No agreement with the ÖVP
However, the Vice-Chancellor does not want to know anything about an agreement with Agriculture Minister Norbert Totschnig (ÖVP). This had not been necessary and everything had been done correctly at the crucial time. After all, the coalition climate had not always been easy in the past either - "we will carry on."

The Greens are used to resistance. But: "We are the nature conservation party and the party of enforcement," said Kogler combatively.

High praise for Lena Schilling
When asked about the negative EU election result, the Green politician said: "We had a lot of headwind". It was anything but easy - "we also made mistakes ourselves, we're sorry". However, the Greens are very keen to open up to young people. Young people should take their interests into their own hands. In general, the Vice-Chancellor warned to be more careful with accusations. He said it was astonishing that a settlement that had previously been reached with a private couple was being used and "toured through the editorial offices".

Despite the adversities, the result was "quite respectable". Even if the lost mandate hurts. Was Lena Schilling the right choice for the top candidacy? "Definitely," said Kogler. He praised her as excellent and competent and said proudly: "We didn't let the headwind blow us over!"

Kogler can certainly imagine that the ÖVP will still play a role for the party in the future, despite the current quarrels - "we are the engine of reform for the future and that is how it should stay". The only thing that is important to the Vice-Chancellor is that "the right-wing extremists do not come into government".

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read the original article here.

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