Trailer overturned

Tire blowout on highway: truck lost tree trunks

21.06.2024 08:32

A dangerous incident on Friday in the early hours of the morning on the Inntal highway in the Tyrolean lowlands: due to a tire blowout, the trailer of a timber transporter overturned. Several tree trunks then fell onto the road. The A12 had to be completely closed for a short time - fortunately nobody was injured.

The accident happened at around 5 a.m. on the A12 near Wiesing (Schwaz district). A 65-year-old local man was driving a timber transporter in the direction of Kufstein when, according to his own account, he suddenly heard a loud bang. A tire on the trailer had burst!

Trailer overturned after 380 meters
"The articulated truck then started to lurch. It moved from the normal lane to the overtaking lane and then hit the concrete central crash barrier," a police spokeswoman explained in response to an inquiry from Krone. The 65-year-old driver steered the transporter towards the emergency lane - after around 380 meters, the trailer overturned and the heavy vehicle came to a standstill.

The transporter lost several tree trunks during the journey, which then came to rest scattered on the road. A stroke of luck: nobody was injured!

A12 completely closed for a short time
Due to the accident, the A12 in the direction of Kufstein had to be completely closed for 15 minutes. Afterwards, only one lane was passable for a longer period of time. The fire department and Asfinag took care of the clean-up work.

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