Denmark against England

William and Frederik at their countries’ European Championship match

21.06.2024 09:25

On Thursday, the European Football Championship in Frankfurt experienced a historic moment when Prince William, heir to the British throne, and King Frederik of Denmark watched their national teams play together. Frederik's thirteen-year-old daughter Princess Josephine was also present.

The European soccer elite not only offered sporting highlights in Frankfurt, but also royal ones. Prince William, the President of the English Football Association, was in the stadium one day before his 42nd birthday to watch his "Three Lions" take on the Danish team.

"Well fought Denmark"
At his side were King Frederik of Denmark and his 13-year-old daughter, Princess Josephine.

Proud father Frederik visibly enjoyed the moment with his daughter and thanked her afterwards on Instagram for the exciting match: "Well fought, Denmark!"

William alone in Frankfurt
It was a solo trip for William, as the Princess of Wales stayed at home due to her ongoing cancer treatment. The three royal offspring, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, were also unable to accompany their father as they were at school.

Prince George and Prince Louis in particular must have regretted this. They are big soccer fans.

Prince William and King Frederik at the European Championship match between Denmark and England (Bild: APA/Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP)
Prince William and King Frederik at the European Championship match between Denmark and England
Prince William poses with Princess Josphine and King Frederik (Bild: Anspach / dpa /
Prince William poses with Princess Josphine and King Frederik

Do the English need to eat more?
The action on the pitch was heated: title favorites England were held to a 1-1 draw by Denmark. Harry Kane gave England an early lead, but Denmark dominated large parts of the game and secured a deserved equalizer through Morten Hjulmand.

The English dream of a convincing victory thus remained unfulfilled. Maybe they need to eat more?

That was the advice Prince William's youngest son Prince Louis gave the players before they set off for the European Championship. They should "eat twice as much" to secure glory at the Euros, William told the team.

You can really see King Felipe's satisfaction at the result. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Manu Fernandez)
You can really see King Felipe's satisfaction at the result.

Spain triumphs over Italy
Spain and Italy later engaged in a thrilling exchange of blows in the presence of King Felipe. The Spanish "Furia Roja" prevailed over the defending champions thanks to a narrow 1:0 victory and advanced to the round of 16 ahead of schedule, which brought a satisfied smile to the King's face ...

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read the original article here.

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