Attention ÖFB fans!

“Tour guide” Trimmel reveals his tips in Berlin

21.06.2024 09:28

"Tour guide" Christopher Trimmel: The Union legionnaire reveals the best tips for Austria's fans in his adopted home to the "Krone". EURO at the "Spätis", city tour by boat, ...

I am a Berliner." The famous speech by John F. Kennedy. This also applies - with a smile - to Christopher Trimmel. The ÖFB international has lived in the German capital for a decade as Union captain. There, where today over 20,000 Austrian fans want to whip Rangnick's squad to EURO promotion, and many will stay for the weekend. And could fall in love with the metropolis. The 37-year-old is the travel guide for the "Krone" and reveals his tips "The classics are a must "What will please the fans: In Berlin, you can go out partying every day, the bars are open 24/7 - it's even more booming at the EURO," Trimbo sends ahead with a "grin". He also recommends the "Spätis". "That's a kind of grocery store, kiosks where you can buy anything. Many have now installed televisions and even Heurigen benches." So that you don't miss a single EURO moment.

"Similar to Kärntner Straße, only forever long"
But the metropolis of 3.7 million offers far more than "just" soccer. Everything, actually. "You have to see the classics." For Trimmel, there is no way around the Brandenburg Gate, where there is a huge but completely overpriced fan mile (24 million euros) with an oversized goal and artificial turf, the Reichstag Palace, the Berlin Wall Memorial or Kreuzberg. And of course the Kurfürstendamm. "Similar to Kärntner Straße, only forever long," says the 37-times team player, comparing the magnificent miles. Shopping opportunities, restaurants and galleries - there's everything here.

Trimmel is often out and about in Berlin on his bike. (Bild: zVg.)
Trimmel is often out and about in Berlin on his bike.

"The city is so big, there's everything in every district. That's why most Berliners stay in their area." He himself has changed. "After seven years at Alexanderplatz, we wanted to get out of our neighborhood," says the Union professional. His wife is a painter and he himself is often enchanted by the countless art galleries. His tattoo studio is now closed, but the right-back has now launched a fashion line. He is and remains busy.

Sightseeing tour "preferably by boat"
Austria's fans should also make meters, explore Berlin. "But don't take a sightseeing tour by bus, better go by boat," advises Trimmel. "The Spree runs 48 kilometers through the entire city." There is also an underworld tour. "You climb through the tunnels under the wall," says Trimmel.

Christopher Trimmel (Bild: APA/AFP/Ronny Hartmann)
Christopher Trimmel

Although Wannsee is of course more attractive in midsummer. "You can rent a boat here even without a license." He knows what makes the fans tick, so he grins: "There are also party rafts for up to 15 people, which even have an integrated music system."

As a fan in the stadium
He and his two dogs prefer to get out into nature. So to the Grunewald forest. You could also walk from the S-Bahn station to the Olympic Stadium. But Berlin is not Düsseldorf, everything is much more spacious. But Austria's fans will create a great atmosphere everywhere - Trimmel will also be there as a fan at the Poland match.

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