Carinthian chat affair

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21.06.2024 09:38

Not a day goes by without Klagenfurt's city politics causing a stir - usually a negative one. The climate in the town hall did not improve with the group chats that became public, some of which were offensive towards political rivals. Now the first deputy mayor is pulling the ripcord: Philipp Liesnig is resigning.

"The last few days, weeks and months have been anything but glorious for Klagenfurt's city politics," says Liesnig in the letter announcing his resignation. He has been deputy mayor of the provincial capital for almost three years - on an SPÖ ticket.

"Toxic atmosphere"
He wanted to take a new path, he writes, but found a "toxic atmosphere". And in his letter of resignation, Liesnig once again attacks Mayor Christian Scheider (Team Kärnten): "Instead of a mayor and a city senate team that has the good of the city in mind, it quickly became clear that a small Buberl party was trying to hold the entire town hall, the city and therefore the people of Klagenfurt hostage." Because no reasonable cooperation seemed possible, he said, he would do his bit and clear the way. "Not so much because of the chats, but to resolve the existing stalemate for the future of our beautiful city," said Liesnig.

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Reading up on chat histories overshadows the city's real problems.

Philipp Liesnig

Just a few days ago, Liesnig had confirmed that he wanted to remain in office despite the chat affair. He had ruled out a voluntary resignation, saying that the party would stand behind him.

As Liesnig and the SPÖ have now pulled the emergency brake, it remains to be seen what will happen to the finance department. According to reports, there was already a majority in the city senate to take the powerful department away from the Reds. What happens next will certainly depend on the outcome of the party executive meeting on Monday. By then, Liesnig's successor should have been decided.

"Liesnig has taken on responsibility"
"He took on responsibility three years ago in a difficult phase and has also shown a sense of responsibility today by clearing the way so that the city's real problems are not overshadowed," said National Councillor Philip Kucher in defence of his party colleague.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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