Edi Finger's ex said yes

Marriage: Marion Finger became Marion Letz

21.06.2024 09:39

The ex-wife of cult presenter Edi Finger Junior (†2021), Marion, said yes to her new love. A big celebrity bash to follow.

Marion, formerly Finger, and TV chef Robert Letz tied the knot in the middle of the week. In Deutsch Wagram and an elegant gown with cape sleeves and a white bridal bouquet, they promised each other eternal fidelity - around a year after their engagement at the Marchfelderhof. The "Krone" reported.

Back then, Robert Letz popped the question to his beloved right here. Completely unexpected, as Marion Letz later reported. So it came as no great surprise that this is where they had dinner after the wedding ceremony.

But the celebrations were not to stop there. The newlyweds plan to celebrate with friends at the Wieninger winery on Saturday. Many celebrities are to be invited, including cathedral priest Toni Faber. He will also be given a special honor: he will bless the couple.

The couple couldn't be happier. (Bild: Starpix / A. Tuma)
The couple couldn't be happier.

At the end of July, they will travel to South Tyrol - they will spend their honeymoon in Marion's favorite place. She loves the northern Italian province and has her sights set on the spa town of Merano and the idyllic village of Ortisei for these romantic days.

Congratulations from the "Krone"!

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