Royals beside themselves

Charles & Camilla: funny grimace show at Ascot

21.06.2024 09:40

Normally, the royals rarely show much emotion. But when Royal Ascot comes around, even Charles and Camilla lose their royal composure.

While Prince William was shaking with the English national soccer team at the European Championships in Germany, his father King Charles and his wife Camilla's nerves were on edge at the Royal Ascot on Thursday.

Camilla was feverish
The Queen, who had come to Ascot in all white, was particularly excited that day. But the British monarch was also visibly carried away by the excitement of the horse race at Ascot.

Charles and Camilla joined in the excitement at Royal Ascot. (Bild: APA/AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
Charles and Camilla joined in the excitement at Royal Ascot.

What came out of it made more than just Royal fans smile. Because the royal grimace show was simply unprecedented.

Camilla hardly seemed to have her emotions under control and was obviously wavering between horror and despair in the face of what was happening under the royal box on the racecourse.

The horse race caused the royal couple's emotions to boil over. (Bild: Couldridge / REUTERS )
The horse race caused the royal couple's emotions to boil over.
I can't even watch it, Camilla seemed to think for a moment, while Charles watched the race spellbound. (Bild: APA/Jonathan Brady/PA via AP)
I can't even watch it, Camilla seemed to think for a moment, while Charles watched the race spellbound.

In the end, the Queen seemed so distraught that it was almost as if she wanted to throw her binoculars on the ground out of frustration.

Exciting race day for the King
But Charles also had the tension of the race day written all over his face. As could be seen from the amusing grimaces of the royal couple, the race was probably not to the royals' liking.

Camilla's grimaces in particular spoke volumes. The Queen had probably hoped in vain that she would win. (Bild: APA/AFP/JUSTIN TALLIS)
Camilla's grimaces in particular spoke volumes. The Queen had probably hoped in vain that she would win.
The royal composure was briefly forgotten that afternoon. (Bild: APA/Jonathan Brady/PA via AP)
The royal composure was briefly forgotten that afternoon.

By the time the award ceremony followed, however, Charles and Camilla had long since calmed down and were in their usual good mood.

At the award ceremony, however, Camilla and Charles were already beaming again. (Bild: APA/AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
At the award ceremony, however, Camilla and Charles were already beaming again.

King Charles made his cancer public at the beginning of the year. Until shortly before Easter, the British monarch did not attend any public engagements in order to concentrate on his recovery. Even now, the 75-year-old is occasionally represented by his son Prince William - as was the case on Wednesday, the second day at Royal Ascot.

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