Summer attraction

Martin Luther Square gets wet from August

21.06.2024 09:34

Since the announced water play area on Pfarrplatz is not due to go into operation until next year, SP city leader Klaus Luger has now taken the initiative to shorten the wait a little for the little people of Linz.

Provided it is approved by the city senate next week, a mobile version from Burghausen will offer a foretaste of next year. From August 7 to September 10, the "PlayFountain" water play area on Martin-Luther-Platz will provide cooling and fun. During the day, it offers children and young people a variety of play opportunities on an area of 100 square meters and 1024 water jets with 19 pre-programmed and unpredictable water patterns. In the evening, seven special light and music shows transform it into an impressive attraction for all age groups.

"There was a great desire for a water play area. With this mobile version, we can already implement this this year. Thanks to the support of our sponsors, we can realize this unique experience and at the same time keep the financial burden on the city low," explains the mayor.

Martin-Luther-Platz is ideal for the installation
SP Planning Councillor Dietmar Prammer adds: "Our aim is to make the city center more attractive and to offer cooling, especially in the hot months. Martin-Luther-Platz is the ideal location for this temporary installation as it will be redesigned next year.

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